
Introduction Malaria is an infectious disease caused by the parasites: The different pathogens lead to different forms of malaria, which can be distinguished from each other by their symptoms, among other things. They reach humans almost exclusively via the bite of an Anopheles mosquito. Malaria leads to flu-like symptoms with usually high fever. As a … Malaria

Symptoms | Malaria

Symptoms A blood smear is taken to diagnose malaria. Under the microscope, the plasmodia types can also be distinguished. The so-called “thick drop” is used to accumulate the pathogens in the blood. A drop of blood is spread over a diameter of 1 cm and after 30 minutes air-drying it is stained with the Giemsamethode. … Symptoms | Malaria

Legionnaire’s disease

Synonyms Legionellosis, Pontiac fever (attenuated course) Definition Legionnaires’ disease is the result of infection with Legionella pneumophila, an aerobic (with oxygen) living, gram-negative rod bacterium, which has its disease significance for humans living in large hot water systems. In Germany there are about 400 cases of the disease per year. In the USA, where the … Legionnaire’s disease