Fever and diarrhoea

What is fever and diarrhea? If diarrhea and fever occur together, it is usually an infectious disease. Infectious diarrhoea can manifest itself in watery, mushy or bloody stools and is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and fever. Infectious diseases with diarrhea and fever are often self-limiting. This means that they often … Fever and diarrhoea

Causes of fever and diarrhoea | Fever and diarrhoea

Causes of fever and diarrhoea Febrile diarrheal diseases are usually caused by infections. Causes of the complaints are often bacteria or viruses, rarely parasites. Mostly bacteria are responsible for the complaints. Salmonella is transmitted, for example, via poultry meat and eggs. They cause watery diarrhoea and fever. When infected with shigella, the diarrhoea is often … Causes of fever and diarrhoea | Fever and diarrhoea

Diagnosis | Fever and diarrhoea

Diagnosis The diagnosis begins with a thorough anamnesis interview. The duration, consistency, color of the stool and frequency of bowel movements are important for the diarrhea history. The determination of the fever curve, i.e. when the temperature was how high, and the current body temperature are checked. A physical examination with palpation and listening to … Diagnosis | Fever and diarrhoea