Aids for Seniors – Eating and Drinking

– Non-slip tray: These trays are coated so that the dishes cannot slip. Not even if the tray tips slightly to one side because the strength in your arms decreases when carrying it. This means you can transport your meals and coffee safely again.

– Drinking aids: Cups with a spout attachment and tight lid make drinking easier if mobility in the throat and neck is restricted.

– Jumbo egg timer: Thanks to the timer with extra-large lettering, you can always see when the tea has finished brewing or the egg is sufficiently cooked. Alternatively, there are also egg timers that make a ringing sound to let you know when the time is up. Egg timers are also available that are kept in the fridge with the eggs, cooked together with them and play different melodies when the desired degree of hardness is reached.

” Electronics ” Motion ” Household
” Food & Drink ” Clothing ” Leisure time

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This text corresponds to the specifications of the medical literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by doctors.