Dutasteride, Tamsulosin

Products The 5alpha-reductase inhibitor dutasteride and the alpha-blocker tamsulosin are commercially available as a fixed combination in the form of capsules (Duodart, generics). The drug has been approved in many countries since 2010. Structure and properties Dutasteride (C27H30F6N2O2, Mr = 528.5 g/mol) is a 4-azasteroid and structurally closely related to finasteride. It exists as a … Dutasteride, Tamsulosin

Hair Anatomy and Physiology

Hair anatomy and physiology Hairs are horny filaments formed by test tube-shaped invaginations of the epidermis. The portion protruding obliquely from the skin is called the hair shaft. Inserted into the skin and extending to the subcutis is the so-called hair follicle. The hair also includes the sebaceous glands, which open into the hair funnel, … Hair Anatomy and Physiology

Hirsutism: Excessive Hair Growth

Definition Increased body and facial hair in women corresponding to the male hair type due to androgen-induced conversion of vellus hair to terminal hair. Symptoms Excessive and altered hair growth (thick and pigmented) on the face, chest, abdomen, legs, buttocks, and back Acne Deeper voice Increased muscle mass Decrease in breast size Androgenetic alopecia Views … Hirsutism: Excessive Hair Growth