Diagnosis of folic acid deficiency | Folic acid deficiency – What you should know

Diagnosis of folic acid deficiency As always, the first important thing is the conversation between the doctor and the patient. Afterwards an examination of the blood is essential for the diagnosis. Here, among other things, a large blood count and a blood smear are made, with which the shape of the red blood cells can … Diagnosis of folic acid deficiency | Folic acid deficiency – What you should know

What are the consequences of a folic acid deficiency during pregnancy? | Folic acid deficiency – What you should know

What are the consequences of a folic acid deficiency during pregnancy? During pregnancy there is a higher requirement for folic acid, as folic acid is necessary for the development of the child. It is particularly important to ensure a sufficient folic acid intake at the beginning of pregnancy. This is where the neural tube, from … What are the consequences of a folic acid deficiency during pregnancy? | Folic acid deficiency – What you should know

Map Tongue

Symptoms Map tongue is a benign, inflammatory change of the tongue surface in which round to oval, ulcerated, reddened islands (exfoliations) with white margins appear on and around the tongue. In the center, the fungal papillae (papillae fungiformes) are recognizable as enlarged red dots, the filiform papillae are lost and become more keratinized in the … Map Tongue

The numbness on the tongue

Introduction A numbness on the tongue describes a sensory disorder. The sensory stimuli are perceived in a different way. The numbness is caused by irritation or damage to the nerves. Furthermore, damage to specific areas of the brain can also cause a sensory disorder. Usually the numbness disappears after a few days. However, if the … The numbness on the tongue

Other accompanying symptoms | The numbness on the tongue

Other accompanying symptoms Depending on the underlying disease, different symptoms can occur. In the case of a stroke, symptoms such as speech and vision problems are common. Paralysis or sensory disturbances in other areas also occur frequently. In the case of multiple sclerosis, patients suffer from numbness in other areas and visual disturbances. Chronic folic … Other accompanying symptoms | The numbness on the tongue

What is a Neural Tube Defect?

The term neural tube defect refers to malformations of the central nervous system that result from inadequate closure of the neural tube. This is the first (tubular) attachment of the nervous system in the embryo, from which the brain and spinal cord develop. Towards the end of the first week of pregnancy, the neural tube … What is a Neural Tube Defect?

The reduced platelet count – When does it become dangerous?

Introduction Thrombocytes are components of the blood, also known as platelets. They perform an important task in blood clotting by being responsible for closing the vessels in case of injury. The number of thrombocytes can be determined from a small blood count and can occasionally be reduced. If the number of thrombocytes in the blood … The reduced platelet count – When does it become dangerous?