Lung Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

The lungs are responsible for gas exchange and continuously supply the human body with oxygen. Lung pain thereby represents a symptom that can be triggered by different causes. The respective diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis are therefore based on the suspected or confirmed underlying disease. Irrespective of the cause, certain breathing techniques can alleviate the symptoms. … Lung Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help


ExplanationDefinition Fosamax® is a drug for the treatment of osteoporosis (bone loss). It belongs to the group of bisphosphonates, which inhibit the activity of the body’s own osteoclasts (naturally occurring bone-degrading cells). Their bone-destroying influence is predominant in many women after menopause, which is why osteoporosis (bone loss) develops. The consequences of osteoporosis can be … Fosamax®

Dosage | Fosamax®

Dosage Fosamax® once a week 70 mg tablets are taken as described above and the name of the preparation indicates it is taken once a week. Alternatively, Fosamax® is also available in 10 mg tablets. In this dosage form, the tablets are taken once daily. Please follow the instructions for use. Side effects Only the … Dosage | Fosamax®

Price | Fosamax®

Price Since there is always talk about cost pressure in the health care system, we think it is important to know the prices of medicines (prices are exemplary and not recommendable): Fosamax® 70 mg tablets | 4 Tbl. (N1) | 51,01 € Fosamax® 70 mg tablets | 12 Tbl. (N1) | 124,04 € Fosamax® 10 … Price | Fosamax®

Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin

to overview Vitamins Occurrence and structure Riboflavin is also found in vegetable and animal products, especially in large quantities in milk and dairy products. Its structure is characterized by a tricyclic (consisting of three rings) isoalloxacin ring to which a ribitol residue is attached. Furthermore, vitamin B2 is in: broccoli, asparagus, spinach eggs and wholemeal … Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin

Phospholipids: Function & Diseases

Phospholipids are instrumental in building cell membranes. They represent complex lipids that contain a phosphoric ester linkage. They are also amphiphilic because they have a hydrophilic and a lipophilic domain. What are phospholipids? Phospholipids are glycerol or sphingosine esters, each containing two fatty acid molecules and a phosphoric acid residue, which in turn may be … Phospholipids: Function & Diseases

Piloerection (Goose Bumps): Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Piloerection (or goose bumps) is the reaction of the sympathetic nervous system in which small muscle groups contract. It is a reflex that has evolved in the developmental history of mammals and humans. What is piloerection? Piloerection (or goose bumps) is the reaction of the sympathetic nervous system in which small muscle groups contract. Piloerection … Piloerection (Goose Bumps): Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Cornelian Cherry: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Cornelian cherry is a very well-known fruit that is said to have healing powers. There is a similarity with the sour cherry, but still these two plants are fundamentally different. In many ways cornelian cherry is used in cooking and medicines. Occurrence and cultivation of cornelian cherry Cornelian cherry belongs to the dogwood plant genus. … Cornelian Cherry: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

What are accompanying symptoms? | Epiglottitis – What is it?

What are accompanying symptoms? The inflammation of the epiglottis is primarily manifested in more or less severe sore throat. This is due to the local swelling of the mucous membrane, which leads to excessive tension of the surface. If the mucosa now comes into contact with the mucosa of the surrounding throat during the act … What are accompanying symptoms? | Epiglottitis – What is it?