Therapy | Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s

Therapy Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s – what is the therapy? Dementia can nowadays be treated with drugs. The drugs used are also known as antidementia drugs. They increase certain signal substances in the brain, which are typically decreased in dementia patients. However, the effectiveness of the drugs is controversial. Some patients seem to benefit from them, … Therapy | Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s

Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s

Introduction The word dementia is a collective term for different subtypes of diseases that affect different cognitive processes of sick patients. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and usually occurs after the age of 60. For this reason, it is not possible to speak directly of dementia vs. Alzheimer’s disease, as Alzheimer’s … Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s

Fitness to drive under sulpiride | Sulpiride

Fitness to drive under sulpiride Sulpiride can impair the ability to react. This is especially true in connection with alcohol consumption. Participation in road traffic and the operation of machines requiring a high level of concentration should therefore only be undertaken with absolute caution. All articles in this series: Sulpiride Side effects Fitness to drive … Fitness to drive under sulpiride | Sulpiride

Hip pain when walking | Diagnostic for hip painPain in the hip

Hip pain when walking Hip pain, which is intensified when walking, climbing stairs or standing for too long, often indicates an inflammation of the bursa at the large rolling mound (bursitis trochantericae, attachment tendinosis). Causes of bursitis are often overstrain of the joint, trauma, hip arthritis, back problems, different leg lengths or malposition of the … Hip pain when walking | Diagnostic for hip painPain in the hip

Hip pain when running | Diagnostic for hip painPain in the hip

Hip pain when running Hip pain, which becomes noticeable or worsens especially when walking, running or jogging, can have various causes. Often small things, like wrong shoes or unfavorable running surfaces already play a substantial role in the emergence of hip pain. But also foot malpositions, a wrongly strained running technique, shortened or imbalanced hip … Hip pain when running | Diagnostic for hip painPain in the hip

Hip pain when sitting | Diagnostic for hip painPain in the hip

Hip pain when sitting Many hip joint diseases can lead to pain symptoms while sitting. The cause is usually the spatial narrowness in the joint that arises in the sitting position or the changed pressure/tension ratios on certain joint structures. Hip arthrosis, which is characterized by age- or overload-related cartilage wear, can be painful both … Hip pain when sitting | Diagnostic for hip painPain in the hip