Strangers with the baby

Definition The word “strangers” describes a behavior of small children towards strangers. In this context, the term “stranger” can also be defined as grandma, grandpa or their own dad. Small children can start to become strangers overnight and then face all other people, including the immediate and familiar surroundings, with suspicion and a dismissive behavior. … Strangers with the baby

How to diagnose strangers | Strangers with the baby

How to diagnose strangers The diagnosis of “strangerhood” is possible only through close observation and analysis of the child’s behavior. If children suddenly react anxiously to a person who enters the room or comes into the close vicinity of the child and wants to be hidden behind mommy’s legs for protection or wants to be … How to diagnose strangers | Strangers with the baby

How long does the strangeness last in the baby? | Strangers with the baby

How long does the strangeness last in the baby? Normally, children start to become strangers at an age of 6 to 9 months. A frequency peak is described in the 8th month, on which the synonym “8-months anxiety” is based. From the 2nd to 3rd year of life onwards, the fear of strangers usually subsides … How long does the strangeness last in the baby? | Strangers with the baby

Clamps and separation anxiety in children | Strangers with the baby

Clamps and separation anxiety in children Clinging and an associated fear of separation is a component or a typical characteristic of the child’s alienation phase.If it is taken by the mother, for example, to the daycare center or kindergarten, the children can hardly be separated from their mother. They cling to their arms, cry and … Clamps and separation anxiety in children | Strangers with the baby

Omega 3 fatty acids

Introduction Omega-3 fatty acids are a group of organic substances that perform a variety of functions in the human body and are necessary for the natural course of reactions and processes. A deficiency increases the risk of various diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids are so-called essential substances, which means that the body cannot produce them itself, … Omega 3 fatty acids

Prognosis | Gallstones (Cholelithiasis)

Prognosis After removal of the gallbladder, most patients have a good chance of never getting a gallstone disease (biliary colic) again. In some cases, however, the stones may still form in the bile duct and cause pain there. Patients who suffer from hereditary gallstones or who cannot (cannot) eliminate the above-mentioned risk factors are usually … Prognosis | Gallstones (Cholelithiasis)


Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: AdiposityObesity, obesity, obesity These terms are used in Germany synonymously to the term overweight. The term obesity is no longer used because it can be discriminatory and is also medically incorrect. All terms describe people who are “heavier” than others and usually have an increased body fat. One speaks … Overweight

Risks and consequences | Overweight

Risks and consequences A longer existing increased weight/overweight is usually accompanied by various diseases, symptoms, complaints and impairments. There are physical, psychological and social consequences of overweight: There is a significantly increased risk of mortality. From a body mass index (BMI) > 27 it rises significantly, from a body mass index (BMI) > 32 it … Risks and consequences | Overweight

Reduce overweight | Overweight

Reduce overweight In the media many articles are published constantly, how one can lose overweight fast. But with such crash diets the yo-yo effect often threatens, i.e. as soon as the diet is finished the body weight rises again rapidly. Therefore it is particularly important to change one’s behavior with regard to nutrition and exercise … Reduce overweight | Overweight