Monoclonal Gammopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Monoclonal gammopathy is a hematologic disorder. It is characterized by the excessive occurrence of monoclonal antibodies. Monoclonal gammopathy affects the functioning of the immune system and can lead to anemia, hypercalcemia, blood sedimentation, hyper- or hypogammaglobulinemia, and renal insufficiency, among other symptoms. What is monoclonal gammopathy? Monoclonal gammopathy is a hematologic disorder that has effects … Monoclonal Gammopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Carduus marianus

Other termf Milk Thistle General note Use of Carduus marianus for the following diseases Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) with nausea Jaundice Biliary colic Cirrhosis of the liver with portal vein congestion Abdominal dropsy (ascitis) Hemorrhoids Varicose veins Especially for liver diseases with accompanying constipation. Use of Carduus marianus for the following symptoms/complaints Continuous pressure … Carduus marianus

Savoy Cabbage: Intolerance & Allergy

Savoy cabbage is a cultivated variety of head cabbage with deep green, curly cabbage leaves. Similar to red and white cabbage, it is considered an element of home cooking and grows slightly faster than these varieties. This is what you should know about savoy cabbage Savoy cabbage has been known as a cultivated vegetable since … Savoy Cabbage: Intolerance & Allergy

Carboanhydrase inhibitors

Effect Carboanhydrase inhibitors act in the kidney on a molecular transporter (carboanhydrase), which normally excretes hydrogen and thus couples to sodium bicarbonate. When this hydrogen excretion is inhibited, the bicarbonate bond is reduced and thus water reabsorption is reduced. Carboanhydrase inhibitors thus have a dehydrating effect and thus secondarily reduce the aqueous humor production of … Carboanhydrase inhibitors

Malformations of the kidney

The kidney is a complex organ with many important tasks for the human body. As an excretory organ, it helps to get rid of unimportant or even harmful substances in the body, keeps the water balance in equilibrium, is an important contributor to blood pressure regulation and ensures that our mineral balance and acid-base balance … Malformations of the kidney

Cystic kidney diseases | Malformations of the kidney

Cystic kidney diseases A much more problematic malformation than, for example, a lowered or horseshoe kidney is cystic kidney disease, (cysts are generally hollow spaces filled with fluid) in which the kidney is interspersed with cysts, thereby disturbing the structure and thus the function of the kidney. This malformation often leads to kidney failure, which … Cystic kidney diseases | Malformations of the kidney

Therapy | Malformations of the kidney

Therapy Especially in cystic kidney disease, early detection of the disease or malformation is necessary to treat renal insufficiency. In the course of the treatment, the kidneys are regularly examined by ultrasound. The determination of kidney values in the laboratory also indicates a further deterioration in kidney function. Furthermore, substances such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs … Therapy | Malformations of the kidney