Runners Knee (Iliotibial Band Syndrome): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Runner’s knee is also known as tractus iliotibialis rubbing syndrome, tract syndrome or iliotibial band syndrome and by the abbreviation ITBS. Runner’s knee is a painful condition on the outside of the knee that can occur in athletes and non-athletes. What is runner’s knee? Runner’s knee is caused by improper stress on the knees during … Runners Knee (Iliotibial Band Syndrome): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Flaviviruses: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Flaviviruses belong to the Togaviridae and include several species that can cause different diseases – including tick-borne encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis, Japanese encephalitis, and Murray-Valley encephalitis, as well as yellow fever and dengue fever. What are flaviviruses? Flavivirus is not a single pathogen; instead, the term describes a genus of viruses that can cause various … Flaviviruses: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Prophylaxis | Heart stumbling due to stress

Prophylaxis Protection against too much stress naturally also protects against heart stumbling due to stress. People who have to deal with a lot of stress in everyday life should definitely take care of themselves and get enough exercise. Movement causes a balance of psyche and body. Quiet evening rituals and conscious times of retreat work … Prophylaxis | Heart stumbling due to stress

Retinopathy of Prematurity (Retinopathia Praematurorum): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Retinopathy of prematurity (retinopathia praematurorum) is a vascular proliferation of the retinal tissue (retina) that can occur in premature babies, especially babies born before 32 weeks’ gestation (SSW). Retinopathy of prematurity is classified into type 1 and type 2 and can be detected and treated early using screening tests. What is retinopathy of prematurity? Retinopathy … Retinopathy of Prematurity (Retinopathia Praematurorum): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Macrolide Antibiotics: Effects, Uses & Risks

Macrolide antibiotics are antibiotics that are bacteriostatic and have a macrolide. They inhibit the protein biosynthesis of bacteria. The first and best known macrolide antibiotic is erythromycin. Macrolide antibiotics are often used in children. What are macrolide antibiotics? Macrolide antibiotics (abbreviated as macrolides) are antibiotics with bacteriostatic activity. They represent a separate “classification” within the … Macrolide Antibiotics: Effects, Uses & Risks

Heart stumbling due to stress

Stress Reaction The human body reacts to stress with an alarm reaction, during which increased adrenaline and other stress hormones are released, which put the body in alarm and action readiness. The centrally triggered activation leads to an imbalance in the regulation of the unconscious vegetative controlled processes in the body. This disturbed regulation can … Heart stumbling due to stress

Heart Fear Syndrome | Heart stumbling due to stress

Heart Fear Syndrome Heart stumbling due to stress can also be a sign of a so-called heart anxiety syndrome, which most frequently affects middle-aged men who know people with organic heart disease in their close circle of acquaintances or relatives. The heart disease of the close person acts as a permanent stress event (stressor) on … Heart Fear Syndrome | Heart stumbling due to stress