Diagnostics | Postoperative bowel atony

Diagnostics Whether the patient has a postoperative intestinal atony can usually be determined by a simple questioning of the patient. The diagnosis of a postoperative intestinal atony is obvious if the patient states the typical symptoms after surgery, such as abdominal pain, stool retention and nausea. By palpation and listening to the abdomen with a … Diagnostics | Postoperative bowel atony

Prophylaxis | Postoperative bowel atony

Prophylaxis How to prevent the occurrence of postoperative intestinal atony is not yet fully understood. However, it is known that some factors have a positive effect on the course of intestinal paralysis. These include, for example, the size of the wound resulting from the operation. The smaller it is, the better the progression. Furthermore, early … Prophylaxis | Postoperative bowel atony

Bathing in Pregnancy

A bath during pregnancy is not only refreshing, but can also be wonderfully relaxing. Whether it is a classic bubble bath in your own bathtub or practicing a little exercise in the pool – bathing during pregnancy is basically no problem. However, it is advisable for the pregnant woman to heed a few pieces of … Bathing in Pregnancy

Transplantation: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Transplantation involves transplanting the organic material of another person into a patient. This transplant must take place with consideration of immunologic effects and carries a high risk of rejection, but in current medicine this risk can be reduced by immunosuppressive measures and the co-transplantation of stem cells or white blood cells. Those waiting for a … Transplantation: Treatment, Effect & Risks


Introduction The hypothalamus is an important area of the brain which, as a superior control center, controls numerous vegetative bodily functions, such as food and fluid intake, circulation regulation, maintenance of body temperature and control of the salt and water balance. It also continues to determine emotional and sexual behavior. Compared to other areas of … Hypothalamus

Diseases of the hypothalamus | Hypothalamus

Diseases of the hypothalamus The hypothalamus produces a variety of different hormones. Some of these hormones are called “releasing hormones”. In a hormonal control circuit, they act directly on the pituitary gland and stimulate the production of further hormones, which in turn act directly on the target organs or trigger further hormone production. In return, … Diseases of the hypothalamus | Hypothalamus

Pseudouridine: Function & Diseases

Pseudouridine is a nucleoside that is a building block of RNA. As such, it is primarily a component of transfer RNA (tRNA) and is involved in translation. What is pseudouridine? Pseudouridine is a basic component of tRNA and consists of two building blocks: the nucleic base uracil and the sugar β-D-ribofuranose. Biology also refers to … Pseudouridine: Function & Diseases