Common Mahonia: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Common mahonia (Mahonia aquifolium) is a mildly poisonous plant in the barberry and sourthorn family (Berberidaceae). The genus name Mahonia is due to the American botanist and horticulturist Bernard MacMahon (1775 to 1816). Occurrence and cultivation of the common mahonia. The bright golden-yellow flowers grow arranged in dense panicles of five to eight centimeters, each … Common Mahonia: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits


Alternative medicine: Marcumar Diseases for which Arixtra® is used: Thrombosis Thrombosis prophylaxis Pulmonary embolism Thrombosis Thrombosis prophylaxis Pulmonary embolism Thrombosis Thrombosis prophylaxis Pulmonary embolism Synonyms in a broader sense Name of active substance: Fondaparinux Fondaparinux sodium Synthetic fondaparinux Anticoagulant Factor Xa- Inhibitor Arixtra® is a drug for the direct inhibition of blood coagulation. In medical … Arixtra®

Borderline Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Borderline syndrome or borderline disorder is a mental illness from the field of personality disorders. Those affected suffer from a lack of social skills. In particular, interpersonal relationships with other people are characterized by pathological instability. Strong mood swings also occur frequently. The view of oneself (self-image) is subject to strong distortions. Anxiety disorders, anger … Borderline Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Therapy | Pigment disorder caused by taking the pill

Therapy In principle, the pigment disorders that occur when taking the pill are completely harmless and do not require any therapy. However, one should not underestimate the level of suffering of those affected and treatment steps can be initiated from an aesthetic point of view. In principle, treatment should be carried out by an experienced … Therapy | Pigment disorder caused by taking the pill

Ascites: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Ascites, or abdominal dropsy, is an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity and is usually a symptom of an advanced underlying disease, most of which have an inauspicious (unfavorable) prognosis. In the vast majority of cases, ascites correlates with cirrhosis of the liver. What are ascites? Ascites (also abdominal dropsy) is the term used … Ascites: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment