Prophylaxis | Brittle bone disease

Prophylaxis Since the brittle bone disease is genetically determined, it cannot be prevented by prophylactic measures. However, a lifestyle adapted to the disease can alleviate its course and symptoms. Those affected should not put additional strain on their bones, i.e. they should avoid alcohol and smoking. In addition, a balanced diet that avoids overweight and … Prophylaxis | Brittle bone disease

Brittle bone disease

Bone consists of solid connective tissue (collagen), which is fibrously entangled. Limestone salts are ultimately deposited in this structure, which give the bone its final strength and mineralize it. In vitreous bone disease there is a gene mutation on chromosomes 7 and 17, which contain the information for the formation of the most important collagen … Brittle bone disease

MRI of the shoulder joint

Procedure of the examination The course of the MRI examination usually begins with an informative conversation with the respective specialist. Preparations at home are usually not necessary, but care should be taken to ensure that there is no more fluid and food intake approximately four hours before the examination. Since contrast media are often used … MRI of the shoulder joint

Diagnosis | MRI of the shoulder joint

Diagnosis Magnetic resonance imaging is mainly used when injuries of the soft tissues and/or tendons are suspected. Usually, MRI of the shoulder joint reveals tears or ruptures of the tendons in the rotator cuff or the long biceps tendon. In addition, it is possible to detect or rule out possible bursitis (inflammation of the bursa). … Diagnosis | MRI of the shoulder joint

Bone Tissue Remodeling (Bone Remodeling): Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Bone tissue remodeling corresponds to bone remodeling that occurs permanently within bone tissue. Bones are adapted to current loading conditions by the remodeling processes of osteoclasts and osteoblasts. Excessive bone remodeling characterizes Paget’s disease. What is bone tissue remodeling? Bone tissue remodeling corresponds to bone remodeling that occurs permanently within bone tissue. Bone tissue damage … Bone Tissue Remodeling (Bone Remodeling): Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases