Pain in the tendon | Pain in the toe

Pain in the tendon

Various muscles that are responsible for bending (plantar flexion) or stretching (dorsal extension) the toes end at the toe. The long and short toe flexors are needed for flexion, in the case of the big toe the so-called big toe flexors. Long and short big toe extensors are responsible for extension and long and short toe extenders for the other toes.

Pain in this area can be caused by tendon ruptures of these muscles, mostly due to accidents. This can also affect the bone in case of strong extension or flexion. Typical symptoms are a lack of flexion or extension in the joint and pain in the toe, as well as swelling or bruising. A special form of pain in the toe is the hallux valgus of the big toe. In this case, the flexor tendon exerts increasingly strong pull on the toe, so that it deviates in the direction of the other toes and causes more and more discomfort over time.

Swollen toe

A swollen toe that hurts can have various causes. If swelling and pain occur without trauma, it can be gout or the first symptoms of rheumatism. This mainly affects the big toe.

A clarification by a doctor is useful. In the acute situation, painkillers, cooling and elevation can help. If trauma has occurred, through a blow, bruise or similar, the toe can swell as a result and cause severe pain.

Whether it is a bruise or a fracture can be clarified by specific examinations such as a functional test or an X-ray. Here too, it is advisable to cool the toe and keep it elevated. Often, conservative measures such as immobilization with a bandage can be used.

An operation is only necessary in exceptional cases. In rare cases, a toe may also be dislocated. This causes severe pain, loss of function of the toe and abnormal toe positions.Here often the closed repositioning, i.e. the attempt to “set” the toe again by pulling on the toe, can be tried. If this is not possible, an operative approach must be considered.