Diagnosis | Pain with a rib fracture

Diagnosis A rib fracture can often be identified from the description of the accident and the symptoms (medical history). Possible underlying or previous illnesses, such as osteoporosis, are checked by the physician and provide further indications for the diagnosis. Rib fractures are in some cases palpable or visible from the outside as a palpable step. … Diagnosis | Pain with a rib fracture

Elbow luxation

Synonyms: elbow dislocation, elbow dislocation, elbow dislocationAn elbow dislocation is a complete displacement of the parts involved in the elbow joint. This includes the sliding of the articular surface of the humerus out of its hinge-like enclosure by the ulna and the loss of contact between the head of the radius and the humerus. Anatomy … Elbow luxation

Therapy | Elbow luxation

Therapy In general, the joint should be repositioned as soon as possible, preferably within 6 hours. Otherwise there is a risk of vascular or nerve damage due to the close proximity. In the case of a dislocation without accompanying bony injuries, the aim is to reduce the joint and restore normal joint conditions. For this … Therapy | Elbow luxation

Complications | Elbow luxation

Complications Complications include vascular injuries in about 10% of cases. Especially in arterial vessels this is an acute emergency due to the high blood pressure there. Injuries to the nerves (ulnar, median and radial nerves) with paralysis of the musculature and loss of sensation of touch at typical locations also occur. In a not inconsiderable … Complications | Elbow luxation

Pelvic ring fracture

Introduction The pelvic ring fracture refers to a fracture of the bone that interrupts the integrity of the so-called pelvic ring. The term “pelvic ring” (Cingulum membri pelvini) is derived from a cross-sectional view of the pelvis in which the pelvic bones are contiguous and arranged in a ring shape. The pelvic ring represents the … Pelvic ring fracture

Aftercare of an external ankle fracture

How is an outer ankle fracture treated? The follow-up treatment following an external ankle fracture depends on how complicated the fracture was (and whether there were accompanying injuries) and what kind of therapy was required for the external ankle fracture. In general, however, the following principles can be followed: Whether the fracture was treated conservatively … Aftercare of an external ankle fracture

Sacral Fracture

Introduction A sacral fracture is the bony fracture of the sacrum, which is also called the os sacrum. Isolated sacral fractures occur rather rarely (about 10% of cases). Much more often they occur as a result of severe trauma in combination with other injuries. Sacral fractures belong to the group of pelvic fractures and usually … Sacral Fracture

Classification by Tile and Denis | Sacral Fracture

Classification by Tile and Denis Basically, sacral fractures are classified according to Denis, but because they belong to the category of pelvic injuries, they can also be classified according to the general criteria of a pelvic ring injury. Pelvic ring injuries are classified according to tile and differentiate the severity of the instability of the … Classification by Tile and Denis | Sacral Fracture