
Definition Pharmacy mainly sells medicinal gasoline PH (wound gasoline) and gasoline for stain removal (spot gasoline). The quality of medicinal gasoline is prescribed by pharmacopoeia. It is a purified mixture of saturated hydrocarbons, mainly with 6 and 7 carbon atoms (hexane and heptane, PH). Stain water is not the same as stain gasoline and contains … Gasoline

Boiling Point

Definition and properties The boiling point is the characteristic temperature at which a substance passes from the liquid to the gaseous state. The liquid and gaseous phases are in equilibrium at this point. A typical example is water, which starts boiling at 100 °C and becomes water vapor. The boiling point depends on the pressure. … Boiling Point

Wound Fuel

Products Wound gasoline is available in pharmacies and drugstores as an open product. It is also referred to as medicinal benzine. Wound gasoline belongs to the light and pure benzines. It is monographed in many countries in the Pharmacopoea Helvetica and this already in the early editions (e.g. Editio Quinta, 1933). The German and Austrian … Wound Fuel


Products Medicines containing desomorphine are not available in many countries. Desomorphine is a narcotic subject to enhanced prescription (dispensing category A+). It was commercially available decades ago under the brand name Permonid (Roche). Structure and properties Desomorphine (C17H21NO2, Mr = 271.4 g/mol) is des-O-morphine, i.e., morphine lacking an oxygen. It is equivalent to morphine except … Desomorphine