Therapy for blood in stool with diarrhoea | Blood in stool with diarrhoea

Therapy for blood in stool with diarrhoea Regardless of the cause of diarrhoea, it is important to ensure sufficient fluid – especially in small children and the elderly – because a lot of fluid is lost through bowel movements. In addition, many electrolytes (salts) are also lost through this. Further therapy depends on the cause. … Therapy for blood in stool with diarrhoea | Blood in stool with diarrhoea

Homeopathy for liver disease

Homeopathic medicines The following are possible homeopathic medicines: Carduus marianus (milk thistle) Mandragora officinarum (Mandrake) Lycopodium clavatum (club moss) Iris versicolor (multicolored iris) Carduus marianus (milk thistle) Carduus marianus (milk thistle) can be taken for the following symptoms and complaints: Recurring liver–bile complaints such as nausea, nausea, gall pains. Persistent constipation, often hemorrhoids and varicose … Homeopathy for liver disease

Homeopathy for cystitis and inflammation of the renal pelvis

Depending on the symptoms, an antibiotic may be necessary for acute urinary tract infections (cystitis). Homeopathics are suitable for accompanying treatment, but also for prevention. The treatment must always be preceded by a detailed questioning of the patient. One needs information about possible flow obstructions, malformations, injuries in the area of the draining urinary tract … Homeopathy for cystitis and inflammation of the renal pelvis

Homeopathic medicines for cystitis caused by catether | Homeopathy for cystitis and inflammation of the renal pelvis

Homeopathic medicines for cystitis caused by catether The following are possible homeopathic medicines: Arnica montana (mountain lodging) Staphisagria (Stephan’s wort) Typical dosage of Arnica montana for cystitis: drops of D12 Difficult and painful urination and dribbling as a result of injury Aggravation due to any movement and vibration Arnica relieves pain and accelerates wound healing … Homeopathic medicines for cystitis caused by catether | Homeopathy for cystitis and inflammation of the renal pelvis

Homoeopathy in cystitis with acute course and sudden onset | Homeopathy for cystitis and inflammation of the renal pelvis

Homoeopathy in cystitis with acute course and sudden onset As homeopathic medicines are possible: Aconitum napellus Belladonna Aconitum napellus Aconitum is only available on prescription up to and including D3. Infection with stormy beginning and fever No sweat Pulse hard and throbbing Infection favored by cold east wind Burning pain in the urethra, often felt … Homoeopathy in cystitis with acute course and sudden onset | Homeopathy for cystitis and inflammation of the renal pelvis

Apis | Homeopathy for cystitis and inflammation of the renal pelvis

Apis Acute cystitis with burning, sharp, stabbing pain in the bladder Pain gets worse after urination, frequent urge to urinate, urine is felt as hot, may contain blood admixtures Bloated abdomen, pressing abdominal pain The patients are thirsty and sleepy, feeling of exhaustion Aggravation of complaints in the heat and in the afternoon hours Improvement … Apis | Homeopathy for cystitis and inflammation of the renal pelvis

Colocynthis | Homeopathy for cystitis and inflammation of the renal pelvis

Colocynthis Colocynthis is only available on prescription up to and including D3. The inflammation of the mucous membranes is accompanied by strong, cramp-like pain, often felt throughout the abdomen, forcing them to contract These pains occur preferably during urination, frequent urge to urinate with only small amounts being excreted The urine smells very strong The … Colocynthis | Homeopathy for cystitis and inflammation of the renal pelvis

How is watery bowel movement diagnosed? | Defecation like water

How is watery bowel movement diagnosed? In order to be able to diagnose the cause of the watery diarrhea, the medical history is important, as well as various other diagnostic methods. The patient’s medical history can usually already exclude some diseases on the basis of the accompanying symptoms. If the course is rather acute, it … How is watery bowel movement diagnosed? | Defecation like water

How is watery bowel movement treated? | Defecation like water

How is watery bowel movement treated? The treatment of watery diarrhea depends on the cause of the symptoms. If it is a viral infection, the cause itself cannot be treated directly, but the symptoms can. For example, the lost fluid and electrolytes lost through the watery diarrhea can be replaced. The affected person should drink … How is watery bowel movement treated? | Defecation like water

How long does watery bowel movement last? | Defecation like water

How long does watery bowel movement last? The duration of the watery bowel movements is generally very variable.Sometimes the diarrhea can only occur over a few hours and is then usually harmless. However, watery bowel movements can also occur over several days or weeks. In most cases, the prognosis is then somewhat worse, as the … How long does watery bowel movement last? | Defecation like water

Diagnosis | Pulling in the lower abdomen

Diagnosis Often the physician can already make a suspected diagnosis through a detailed conversation and a subsequent physical examination and treat accordingly. To confirm the diagnosis, an ultrasound examination is recommended, especially to assess the lower abdomen. With the help of this gentle method, not only the internal female sexual organs, bladder and kidneys can … Diagnosis | Pulling in the lower abdomen