
Symptoms Intertrigo (Latin for “rubbed sore”) is a common inflammatory skin condition that occurs on opposite skin surfaces in skin folds. It is initially manifested by a mild to severe redness that is approximately mirror image on both sides of the skin fold. It is often accompanied by itching, rash, burning sensation and pain. Papules … Intertrigo

What is Betaisodona Wound Gel?

Betaisodona wound gel contains the active ingredient povidone-iodine and belongs to the group of disinfectants. It is used as a germicidal agent, a so-called antiseptic, in the treatment of wounds. Betaisodona wound gel contains the active ingredient in the form of a gel and is used as a fungicide (fungicidal agent), bactericide (against bacteria), sporozide … What is Betaisodona Wound Gel?

Side effects | What is Betaisodona Wound Gel?

Side effects As with any medicine, Betaisodona wound gel may also cause side effects, but these are usually less common. These include hypersensitivity reactions, i.e. allergic reactions of the skin. These manifest themselves by redness, itching or blisters on the skin. Allergic general reactions with drop in blood pressure, shortness of breath or swelling of … Side effects | What is Betaisodona Wound Gel?

What is the shelf life of Betaisodona Wound Gel? | What is Betaisodona Wound Gel?

What is the shelf life of Betaisodona Wound Gel? Betaisodona should not be stored at temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius. The gel usually has a shelf life of three years, it should not be used after the date indicated on the package and tube. Another indication of its effectiveness is its reddish-brown colour. The gel … What is the shelf life of Betaisodona Wound Gel? | What is Betaisodona Wound Gel?