Yoga Health Benefits

Today he knows Yoga, whether he has ever read about it, heard about it, or even participated in a course. But where exactly does this Yoga come from and what is it? The word yoga comes from Sanskrit and means “to bind or yoke together” but it can also mean “union”. Yoga has its origin … Yoga Health Benefits

Yoga styles | Yoga Health Benefits

Yoga styles There is a variety of different yoga styles. Not all of them are still connected to the original yoga. Especially in the western world there are new modern yoga forms that meet the demands of the fitness industry and current health trends. To the Yoga forms belong: There is also a variety of … Yoga styles | Yoga Health Benefits

Power Metabolism: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The power metabolic rate is the total energy consumption of a person within 24 hours minus his basal metabolic rate, which corresponds to the maintenance requirement fasting at rest. Power metabolic rate depends mainly on activity and weight and, like basal metabolic rate, is expressed in kilocalories or kilojoules. Since a direct measurement is associated … Power Metabolism: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Phoniatrics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Phoniatrics forms a separate medical specialty, which until 1993 was a subspecialty of otolaryngology (ENT). Phoniatrics deals with hearing, voice, and speech disorders, as well as swallowing difficulties, and carries strong interdisciplinary characteristics. Together with pediatric audiology, which deals primarily with problems in children’s voice and speech development and hearing perception, phoniatrics establishes an independent … Phoniatrics: Treatment, Effects & Risks

What is My Calorie Requirement?

The energy requirement or calorie requirement is composed of the basal metabolic rate and the power metabolic rate and varies from person to person. We have an increased energy requirement in the case of stress, fever and hyperthyroidism, in addition, women during pregnancy and lactation – in old age and mental disorders, on the other … What is My Calorie Requirement?

Demineralization: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Minerals are vital for the human organism. They contribute to the optimal functioning of many biochemical processes in the body. However, demineralization causes the body to lose important minerals, so that diseases can develop. What is demineralization If demineralization is present, diseases such as tooth decay, osteomalacia, osteopenia, or osteoporosis may occur. The medical term … Demineralization: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases