Herpes nose

Introduction Itchy, burning blisters on reddened skin combined with unsightly, yellowish crusts indicate an infection with herpes. Especially in the area of the lips, many affected persons suffer from the disturbing and painful disease. Doctors then speak of “Herpes labialis” – also known in the vernacular as “lip herpes”. Less frequent, but equally unpleasant, is … Herpes nose

Symptoms | Herpes nose

Symptoms Before typical blisters are seen, patients often feel a tingling or pain in the affected area. Small red blisters arranged in groups appear on and in the nose. After a short time, the skin symptoms fill with yellowish, liquid secretions. The content of the blisters contains millions of viruses and is therefore highly infectious! … Symptoms | Herpes nose

Prognosis | Herpes nose

Prognosis Herpes infections of the nose are easily treatable diseases if treated in time. Often the disease is even self-limiting, i.e. even without drug therapy the blisters heal on their own after some time. In case of a weakened immune system, previous diseases or damaged skin, even a seemingly harmless infection can be dangerous. Especially … Prognosis | Herpes nose

Herpes Simplex Virus

Introduction The Herpes Simplex Virus (also: HSV) is a DNA virus from the group of herpes viruses. A distinction is made between Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV1) and Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (HSV2), both of which belong to the family of ? viruses. Infection with a Herpes Simplex Virus is one of the most common … Herpes Simplex Virus

Causes | Herpes Simplex Virus

Causes The cause of a Herpes Simplex virus infection can be either a new infection or reactivation of the virus. A new infection occurs by infecting another individual. This requires either direct contact from mucosa to mucosa (for example, during kissing or sexual intercourse) or contact with saliva (for example, when using the same glass). … Causes | Herpes Simplex Virus