Prognosis of a glioblastoma

Prognosis The prognosis is very unfavorable (infaust), since glioblastomas are fatal within a few weeks if left untreated. Even maximum therapy for glioblastomas only leads to a survival time of 6 months to 2 years. The one-year survival rate is 30-40%, the two-year survival rate is 10% and the five-year survival rate is 3%. Due … Prognosis of a glioblastoma

Glioblastoma – course of the individual stages

Introduction Glioblastoma is an advanced, malignant tumor of the brain. It does not originate from nerve cells, but from the supporting cells of the brain, the star cells (astrocytes). Accordingly, glioblastoma belongs to the group of astrocytomas (star cell tumors). Due to its poor prognosis and poor possibilities for treatment, glioblastoma is classified as a … Glioblastoma – course of the individual stages

How does a grade 2 glioblastoma progress? | Glioblastoma – course of the individual stages

How does a grade 2 glioblastoma progress? Grade 2 glioblastomas – actually grade 2 astrocytomas – are also called diffuse astrocytomas. These tumors usually occur at the age of about 30 years. They are generally classified as less malignant (low malignant), but the majority of these tumors will become more malignant over time and develop … How does a grade 2 glioblastoma progress? | Glioblastoma – course of the individual stages

What is the course of a relapse? | Glioblastoma – course of the individual stages

What is the course of a relapse? Unfortunately it is not possible to make a general statement for all recurrences. It depends much more on which tumor was present before and which is present now – the same or a more advanced malignant tumor. It also depends on the location of the tumor, since this … What is the course of a relapse? | Glioblastoma – course of the individual stages


A brain tumour that consists of astrocytes is called an astrocytoma. Astrocytes are the so-called supporting tissue cells of the brain, they are also called glial cells. From this name is derived the further term for tumours of this tissue in the brain and spinal cord: gliomas. Astrocytomas are therefore counted among the tumour group … Astrocytoma

Drug therapy | Astrocytoma

Drug therapy If an operation on the astrocytoma is planned, a cortisone preparation (dexamethasone) must be administered beforehand to reduce the swelling of the tumour. It is also possible to administer the cortisone during radiotherapy, as radiotherapy can initially increase the edema. Accompanying symptoms of an astrocytoma or glioblastoma can be epileptic seizures (convulsions). In … Drug therapy | Astrocytoma

Course of a glioblastoma

Introduction Glioblastomas are malignant cancers which develop in the brain from its own cells, so-called astrocytes. They are often very aggressive and fast-growing and are usually associated with a poor prognosis. This can also be seen from the fact that they are categorized in the WHO tumor classification as level IV, which is the highest … Course of a glioblastoma

What is the life expectancy? | Course of a glioblastoma

What is the life expectancy? The average life expectancy for a glioblastoma is only about ten to fifteen months after diagnosis. This is due to the malignancy and aggressiveness of the tumor. As described above, complete resections are usually not possible and the tumor usually returns within one year despite radiation and chemotherapy. Since every … What is the life expectancy? | Course of a glioblastoma