Depression caused by the morning-after pill | Depression on the pill? Is there anything to that?

Depression caused by the morning-after pill

The morning-after pill is a hormone preparation for emergency contraception after unprotected sex. It usually consists of the active ingredient levonorgestrel or ulipristilacetate. Both active ingredients postpone ovulation by about five days.

The survival time of sperm is about three to four days, thus preventing fertilisation of the egg. The development of depression cannot be explained by taking the morning-after pill. It is only taken once in the form of a tablet.

Its effect on the hormone balance is therefore only limited to a few days. Rather, it is the psychological strain caused by unprotected sexual intercourse and the fear of an unwanted pregnancy that can lead to depression. Personal fears and conflicts therefore favour the development of depression more than the use of the morning-after pill.

How should I take precautions?

There is no patent remedy for the best form of contraception. Rather, it is necessary to weigh up which contraceptive method is the best in each individual case. However, if a woman wants to use her own contraception, hormone preparations are the only safe option.

However, every woman should decide for herself whether they have an effect on the female cycle in the form of the contraceptive pill, a coil or a vaginal ring. However, the user should be aware of the side effects of each intake of female hormones. Especially the increased risk of thrombosis should be well considered.

This is present every time a new hormone preparation is administered and will continue to exist during the course of therapy. In addition, the risk of infection or allergic reactions to the material is increased if foreign bodies, such as the coil, are introduced into the uterus. The correct position and timely change must also be ensured.

No side effects are to be expected when using condoms for contraception. However, there is a risk of the condom tearing. The risk of an unwanted pregnancy is therefore slightly higher compared to taking the pill. The safety of any contraceptive also depends on how it is used. Conscientious use or regular ingestion increases the protection.

Duration of depression caused by the pill

The duration of a depression cannot be given exactly, as it depends very much on the individual case. In addition, the improvement depends strongly on the response to a possible therapy. In general, however, studies have shown that an untreated moderate to severe depression lasts four to six months. With successful therapy, the duration can be reduced to about two months. Mild depression can also last only a few weeks.

How often can you get depressed with the pill?

If a user stays with the same preparation, she can theoretically only fall ill once with depression caused by the pill. However, with each change of preparation there is a new risk of developing depression, as the change of medication is always associated with a break in taking the pill. In general, it is important to know that according to studies, there is a 20-30 percent high risk of developing a new depressive phase if you have been affected once. This means that the risk of a new depressive phase is not limited to just one factor such as the pill.