Pituitary posterior lobe hormones

Hypophysial rear lobe hormones include oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone (ADH). In the following, ADH– Hormone is discussed, the hormone oxytocin is treated with the reproductive hormones. To the topics: ADH Oxytocin

Hypoglycemia (Diabetes Treatment)

Symptoms Hypoglycemia is an abnormally low blood glucose level. The organism first tries to counteract by activating the sympathetic nervous system, because this increases the level. Central symptoms occur because the brain is no longer supplied with sufficient glucose (neuroglycopenia). The brain can hardly store glucose and is dependent on a continuous supply. Possible symptoms … Hypoglycemia (Diabetes Treatment)

Hormones of the parathyroid gland

The hormone belonging to the parathyroid gland is the parathyroid hormone, a hormone composed of protein (peptide hormone), which is produced in the main cells of the parathyroid glands. The formation and secretion of the parathyroid hormone is regulated by the concentration of calcium in the blood. A low level promotes the supply of parathyroid … Hormones of the parathyroid gland

Pancreas: Organ with Dual Function

The pancreas, which measures only 15x5x3cm, is the only organ in the body that performs a dual function. It produces the hormones insulin and glucagon, which regulate blood glucose levels. If this function of the pancreas is disturbed, this can lead to diabetes mellitus. Independently of this, the pancreas produces enzymes without which we cannot … Pancreas: Organ with Dual Function

Hormonal drugs

Introduction Hormonal drugs are various drugs that contain hormones. Hormones are endogenous substances that are not absorbed through food. For example, there are sex hormones, thyroid hormones, pituitary hormones, pancreatic hormones such as insulin or glucagon, and adrenal hormones such as aldosterone. The most commonly used hormonal drugs contain sex hormones, either female sex hormones, … Hormonal drugs

Hormonal drugs for men | Hormonal drugs

Hormonal drugs for men Only rarely does a man have to take hormonal medication containing sex hormones. However, it is possible that a patient may produce too few male sex hormones (testosterone), for example due to castration. In this case a patient may be given hormonal medication containing the hormone testosterone. Among other things, this … Hormonal drugs for men | Hormonal drugs

Reproduction hormones

The reproductive hormones include estrogen, progesterone, androgens, prolactin and oxytocin: Progesterone Prolactin Oestrogen Oxytocin Testosterone The hormone testosterone is responsible for male sex differentiation in human development. Testosterone also initiates the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as physique, hair type, development of the larynx and sebaceous glands. The hormone also regulates the development of … Reproduction hormones


Introduction Glucagon is a hormone of the human body, which has the task to raise the blood sugar level. It therefore acts as an antagonist to the hormone insulin. The hormone of the pancreas, glucagon, also consists of protein (29 amino acids in total). It is produced in the so-called A-cells of Langerhans’ islet cells … Glucagon


Formation of ADH: ADH, which is also called antidiuretic hormone, adiuretin or vasopressin, is a peptide hormone. This hormone is produced together with the carrier protein neurophysin II in special nuclei of the hypothalamus (nucleus supraopticus, nucleus paraventricularis). The hormone is then stored in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, where it is released … ADH


Formation of progesterone: The hormone progesterone (corpus luteum hormone) is formed from cholesterol via pregnenolone in the corpus luteum of the ovaries, in the follicles (follicles in the ovary), in the placenta and in the adrenal cortex. Hormone production in the adrenal gland also takes place in men. The progesterone synthesis in the corpus luteum … Progesterone


Eicosanoids are hormones that act as nerve transmitters (neurotransmitters) and modulators of the immune system. These hormones are also involved in inflammatory processes. Overall, the following types of eicosanoids can be distinguished: Prostaglandins comprise a large number of subgroups, for example prostaglandin D2, prostaglandin E2, prostglandin I2 (prostacyclin) or thorboxanes. Prostaglandins Prostacyclins (part of the … Eicosanoids