Hand-Leg-Eye Coordination | Coordination training

Hand-Leg-Eye Coordination

A good hand-leg-eye coordination plays an important role especially in everyday life. Therefore, some exercises in this area are presented in conclusion. For a good hand-eye coordination, first on the left hand, then on the right hand, all fingers are guided to the thumb individually.

The exercise starts with the index finger.Over the middle and ring finger up to the little finger and back again in sequence. Then the other hand follows. For the leg-eye coordination, you do a one-legged stand and perform a circular movement with your foot, your gaze is straight ahead.

Variations can occur in the movement of the foot. A square can be traced or choppy movements can be performed. If you want to increase the level of difficulty, you can do exercises that involve arms and legs.

To do this, you go back to the one-legged position and perform a circular movement with your foot while your hand writes a number in the air. The potential for variation is enormous and the degree of difficulty can be changed individually as desired. The coordination training has a higher importance for everyday life and the prevention area of movement than is often assumed.

Through specific exercises, stability, balance and movement can be significantly improved. A lower risk of falling, especially in old age, increases the quality of life and is easy on the joints.