
Acarbose Definition Glucobay® is an antidiabetic and is used for the treatment and comedication of diabetes mellitus type I and II. Mode of action Glucobay® inhibits an enzyme called α-glucosidase, which prevents the rise of blood sugar levels in the body after meals. α-Glucosidase has normally the task in the intestine the multiple sugars to … Glucobay

Contraindications | Glucobay

Contraindications Glucobay® also has certain contraindications for which the drug must not be taken. These include: A hypersensitivity reaction with previous use of Glucobay® Chronic inflammatory bowel disease (here the risk of a disturbance of absorption in the bowel may be too high) All types of diabetic metabolic derailment with coma ketoacidosis and hypoglycaemia Coma … Contraindications | Glucobay

Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor

What are alpha-glucosidase inhibitors and how do they work? The active ingredients from the group of substances known as alpha-glucosidase inhibitors inhibit enzymes in the intestine that break down carbohydrates absorbed with food into glucose. As a result, blood sugar rises only slowly after eating. However, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors have no effect when consuming foods with … Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor

Contraindications | Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor

Contraindications If you already suffer from an intestinal disease such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors should not be taken in order to avoid further strain on the intestinal structures. Since the increased gas formation in the intestine also increases the general pressure in the abdomen, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors should not be taken in the … Contraindications | Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor

Intake during pregnancy and lactation | Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor

Intake during pregnancy and lactation Pregnant women and nursing mothers are not advised to take alpha-glucosidase inhibitors. Children and adolescents under the age of 18 should also avoid them. Unfortunately, there is too little or hardly any experience available as to how alpha-glucosidase inhibitors affect the development of the human body. Furthermore, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors should … Intake during pregnancy and lactation | Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor