Pain with a bruise | Bruising – Everything around this topic!

Pain with a bruise One of the most common accompanying symptoms of bruising is pain. The tissue swells and the fluid presses on the surrounding area. Depending on the location and size of the bruise, the pain can be pronounced differently. Pain-relieving ointments can be applied to the tissue and specifically relieve the pain. Special … Pain with a bruise | Bruising – Everything around this topic!

Therapy of a bruise | Bruising – Everything around this topic!

Therapy of a bruise The most effective agent that helps immediately is cold. Cold relieves pain and can prevent further spread of the bruise. The PECH rule is one of the most important first aid measures for numerous injuries/accidents and also helps with bruising: Ice and compression can prevent the further spread of swelling. Similarly, … Therapy of a bruise | Bruising – Everything around this topic!

Bruising itches – Is that normal? | Bruising – Everything around this topic!

Bruising itches – Is that normal? Normally a bruise does not cause itching. However, if, for example, an insect is responsible for the bruise, itching can occur in addition to coloration of the tissue and pain. An allergic reaction can also cause itching. Products such as arnica, heparin, Voltaren or natural household remedies can also … Bruising itches – Is that normal? | Bruising – Everything around this topic!

Prognosis of bruising | Bruising – Everything around this topic!

Prognosis of bruising Depending on its severity, a bruise can remain for up to several weeks. However, the pain usually decreases so much within the first week that it is no longer noticed. Only the discoloration of the skin then remains, which many patients find annoying. The resorption of the blood can be accelerated with … Prognosis of bruising | Bruising – Everything around this topic!