Sport for the Musculoskeletal System

In the case of back complaints as well as chronic degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system (for example, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis), sporting activity plays an important role. Physically inactive people lose more bone mass with increasing age, which leads to an increased risk of bone fractures in the event of falls. In contrast, strength and flexibility … Sport for the Musculoskeletal System

Healthy Skiing

Skiing is an absolute classic among the many options in winter sports. No wonder, skiing is not only fun and frees you from everyday stress, but it is also good for your health, as long as you stick to important basics. Passionate skiers look forward to the coming snow and winter season even on the … Healthy Skiing

Food Pyramid Explained

If one asks the question about a healthy diet nowadays, the uncertainty is great. Which rules lead to a healthy diet are partly contradictory. Even the food pyramid, which was considered a reliable guideline for a long time, now exists in different variants. With so much uncertainty, many consumers prefer to stick with familiar eating … Food Pyramid Explained

Eating Healthy: it Can Be so Simple!

Two liters of water, seven slices of wholemeal bread and fruit and vegetables five times a day. Sounds hard, but with small tricks you can eat optimally. What nutrition experts recommend to us is virtually the ideal state to keep disease risks as low as possible: five times vegetables and fruit, 35 grams of fiber, … Eating Healthy: it Can Be so Simple!

Slow Food Nutrition

Slow food versus fast food. Two trends with two completely different motivations and ideas. Slow Food is not simply translated, slow food. Behind Slow Food Movement is much more. A healthy and conscious movement around nutrition, which is now also very popular in Germany. The Slow Food Movement The idea does not come from Germany, … Slow Food Nutrition

15 Rules for Healthy Aging

Healthy aging – who does not want that? Because the older a person gets, the more precious his health seems to him. And what would you ultimately have from the “deserved” retirement if you were sick and immobile. The German Federal Association for Health has therefore developed 15 rules for healthy aging. Because it’s never … 15 Rules for Healthy Aging

Cherries: Healthy and Round

Summertime is cherry time! That means eating cherries in the fresh air in the sunshine. While in April and May the blossoming cherry trees still enchant with their sight, there are the ripe, juicy vitamin bombs everywhere to buy in the cherry harvest season between June and August. Delicious cherry recipes are very popular. Whether … Cherries: Healthy and Round

Sauerkraut: Ideal Winter Vegetable

In the past, white cabbage and the sauerkraut made from it in the traditional way provided people with the necessary vitamins and minerals, especially in the winter months. Sauerkraut was not only an excellent source of vitamins B, C and K, but was also popular for its high content of potassium, calcium, iron and fiber. … Sauerkraut: Ideal Winter Vegetable