Cervical spine syndrome and visual disorders

Introduction A cervical spine syndrome can be accompanied by a variety of complaints, and often visual disturbances also occur. The cause can be various pathological changes in the cervical spine, such as muscular tension or joint wear and tear. Often, small nerve tracts or blood vessels are affected. This is accompanied by various symptoms in … Cervical spine syndrome and visual disorders

Therapy | Cervical spine syndrome and visual disorders

Therapy In the case of a cervical spine syndrome with visual disturbances, the causes are combated. Since in the majority of cases muscular tension of the neck muscles is present, heat application of the affected region by means of red light irradiation or grain cushions often provides relief to the patient.In the case of newly … Therapy | Cervical spine syndrome and visual disorders

Duration | Cervical spine syndrome and visual disorders

Duration It is not possible to make a general statement about the duration of visual disturbances in a cervical spine syndrome, since this health disorder is very diverse and depends on various factors. In some people affected, the visual disturbances occur only for a short time and disappear again within a few minutes or a … Duration | Cervical spine syndrome and visual disorders