Complications | Chickenpox

Complications Complications can occur if the chickenpox blisters are scratched open. Opening the skin barrier can lead to a bacterial superinfection. This is usually an infection with staphylococci or streptococci. If a skin infection occurs, antibiotic treatment should be administered. Other possible complications are pneumonia and even severe inflammation of the brain or meninges. Complications … Complications | Chickenpox

Treatment | Chickenpox

Treatment Chickenpox infection is treated symptomatically. There are remedies available to reduce fever and relieve itching. Ibuprofen and Paraceatmol can be used to reduce fever. Creams with synthetic tanning agents or antihistamines can be used locally to combat itching. In immunocompromised people an antiviral therapy with Aciclovir can be considered. In case of a superinfection … Treatment | Chickenpox

Zostavax® vaccination against shingles

Introduction – What is a Zostavax® vaccination? The Zostavax® vaccination is a vaccine approved in 2006 and available in Germany since 2013. It is intended to prevent the development of a girdle-rose (Herpes Zoster infection). In Germany, vaccination against Varicella zoster (chickenpox) in children has been recommended since 2004. The Zostavax® vaccination is aimed at … Zostavax® vaccination against shingles

What effect can be expected? | Zostavax® vaccination against shingles

What effect can be expected? The active ingredient in the Zostavax® vaccine is live Varicella zoster pathogens. These are no longer capable of causing an infection. These are attenuated forms of the pathogens – so-called attenuated pathogens. However, in persons whose immune system is no longer adequately functional, this live vaccine could lead to the … What effect can be expected? | Zostavax® vaccination against shingles