Bone age determination with the help of the carpal bones | Determination of the final body height

Bone age determination with the help of the carpal bones The carpal bones are the 8 small bones that can be felt at the ball of the hand. In the male infant, all these bones are still made of cartilage at birth, which then ossify during development. A female infant is already born with 2 … Bone age determination with the help of the carpal bones | Determination of the final body height

Fields of application | Determination of the final body height

Fields of application However, both methods can only be used if it can be ensured that the child’s bone formation is not disturbed, because the comparison values and standards all come from children with normal, healthy bone growth and can therefore of course only be compared with those of normal healthy children. Once the state … Fields of application | Determination of the final body height

The high growth

Definition – from when does one speak of high growth? In the medical field, we speak of a high growth when the person is above the 97th percentile in terms of height – i.e. belongs to the largest 3%. Percentiles are growth curves for specific age groups and indicate the normal distribution in the population. … The high growth

Accompanying symptoms with high growth | The high growth

Accompanying symptoms with high growth The accompanying symptoms are strongly dependent on the cause of the occurrence of high growth. If a person is tall because of his or her dispositions, no other symptoms occur. If the high growth has endocrine (hormonal) causes, then changes can be found in other parts of the body. Pituitary … Accompanying symptoms with high growth | The high growth

How to treat Klinefelter syndrome | Klinefelter syndrome

How to treat Klinefelter syndrome Klinefelter’s syndrome cannot be treated from its cause. The disorder during meiosis can therefore not be reversed. However, since most of the symptoms of Klinefelter’s syndrome are caused by low testosterone levels, the therapy consists in supplying testosterone from the outside. This is also known as testosterone substitution. Depending on … How to treat Klinefelter syndrome | Klinefelter syndrome

Typical problems of puberty | The puberty

Typical problems of puberty Most problems in puberty are found in the interpersonal sphere. The young people try to distinguish themselves from their parents’ household by sometimes provocative behavior. In most cases this means that rules are not followed and that the adolescents react very emotionally to criticism. However, these are normal behaviors during puberty. … Typical problems of puberty | The puberty

The puberty

Introduction Puberty is the phase between childhood and adulthood, in which far-reaching physical and psychological changes occur. The secondary sexual characteristics become pronounced, sexual maturity and growth spurts occur. In addition, this phase is divided into prepubertal and postmenarche. In girls, puberty begins about 2 years earlier than in boys. Prepuberty begins around the age … The puberty