Can a behavioral disorder be an indication of giftedness? | Therapy and support for children and adolescents with behavioural problems

Can a behavioral disorder be an indication of giftedness? Almost all highly gifted children sooner or later have problems with other children and at school. Their classmates exclude them because of their special nature, as they behave strangely in their eyes. The school material bores them and they start to be occupied with other things … Can a behavioral disorder be an indication of giftedness? | Therapy and support for children and adolescents with behavioural problems

Therapy and support for children and adolescents with behavioural problems

Introduction Behavioral problems are not a physical or mental illness as such, but they can put a massive strain on the child and its environment. Without professional help, the development and school performance of many children suffer from their symptoms, which can lead to problems later in adult and professional life. The treatment focuses on … Therapy and support for children and adolescents with behavioural problems