The nightly hot flashes

What are hot flashes at night? Hot flushes are usually episodic feelings of heat, often accompanied by increased sweating, reddening of the skin and a rapid heartbeat. Purely by definition, experts speak of hot flushes only when no external, changeable causes such as too thick clothing or too warm room temperature in the bedroom can … The nightly hot flashes

Hot flushes at night in men – What can be the causes? | The nightly hot flashes

Hot flushes at night in men – What can be the causes? Unfortunately, nightly hot flushes in men often indicate a serious underlying disease, if external factors can be excluded. Exactly which ones are involved, cannot be said exactly. From an infectious illness as for example the tuberculosis or a rheumatoid arthritis everything is conceivable. … Hot flushes at night in men – What can be the causes? | The nightly hot flashes