Frown Line: Causes, Treatment & Help

Computer work, poor eyesight and also genetic predisposition cause frown lines to appear above the root of the nose, which bother many people because they make the face look older and more severe. However, dermatologists and plastic aesthetic surgeons have effective treatments that can smooth out unsightly wrinkles – from Botox injections to thread lifts. … Frown Line: Causes, Treatment & Help

What is finger arthrosis?

Synonyms Arthrosis of the finger joints, polyarthrosis of the finger joints, arthrosis of the end of the finger joint, arthrosis of the middle finger joint, polyarthrosis, polyarthrosis, arthrosis of the finger joints Medical: Herbed arthrosis, bouchard arthrosis Introduction Finger arthrosis is a joint disease that is accompanied by wear and tear of the joints and … What is finger arthrosis?

Causes | What is finger arthrosis?

Causes The causes for the development are different. While arthrosis of the finger joints can also be caused by poorly healed fractures close to the joint and poorly healed extensor tendon damage can also be recognized as a cause, the factor of heredity (genetic cause) plays a far greater role. In addition, an above-average number … Causes | What is finger arthrosis?

Diagnosis | What is finger arthrosis?

Diagnosis First, the attending physician conducts an initial consultation with the person concerned. The suspected diagnosis usually exists after the report of the patient’s symptoms. It is also of interest whether relatives of the person concerned also suffer from arthrosis or rheumatic diseases. If this is the case, there may be a possible indication of … Diagnosis | What is finger arthrosis?

Homoeopathic eye drops | Eye drops against dry eyes

Homoeopathic eye drops Although there are some homeopathic remedies for dry eyes, the only long established remedy is Euphrasia. Euphrasia is a plant that has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and is used for inflammatory processes in the eye. Further areas of application are dry eyes. Another plant that is gaining more and more importance in … Homoeopathic eye drops | Eye drops against dry eyes

Forms of therapy in orthopedics

In orthopedics there are many different forms of therapy. It is often difficult to keep an overview of which form of therapy is right for you. To give you an overview, we have listed the most important and most frequently used forms of therapy here. Therapy with cortisone Cortisone is often used in orthopedics because … Forms of therapy in orthopedics