Insert soft contact lenses | The insertion of contact lenses

Insert soft contact lenses

To start inserting the first contact lens, remove it from the container. It is checked whether the contact lens is curved on the correct side. A simple comparison is helpful for most products: If the contact lens curves like a deep plate, with a flatter edge all around, it is incorrectly curved.

On the other hand, if the lens looks like a bowl with an evenly curved rim, it is correctly curved. In some products, the incorrect curvature is also shown by two distinct deformations on the sides, such as two dents. The correct curvature is important for good visual acuity and comfort.

Especially at the beginning you should place the mirror flat on a table or carpet pad. To avoid confusion of contact lenses, you should always start with the same eye, usually on the right. Then carefully put the contact lens on the fingertip of the right index finger.

The head is bent over the mirror, with the right middle finger the lower eyelid is pulled far down and with the left middle and index finger the upper eyelid is held tightly to avoid the protective reflex and thus disturbing blinking. The index finger of the right hand is moved slowly towards the eye with the lens. As soon as the lens is then lying on the eye, it “sucks” itself in slightly and can no longer simply fall out.

You then look in the mirror and move your eye back and forth so that the lens fits perfectly. Afterwards the eyelids are slowly released and you look down. The contact lens is then usually completely in place. On the left eye, the process described above is repeated laterally reversed.

Remove contact lenses

Again, wash your hands and take a clean place. Then open your eyes as wide as possible and look up. With your right index finger you then touch the lens and move slightly downwards in the eye.

Afterwards the contact lens can be clamped between thumb and index finger, gently squeezed together and thus detaches itself from the eye out of its suction and can be taken out of the eye. The lens is now cleaned and placed in the contact lens container. Again, care is taken to place the correct curvature upwards and not to mix up the right and left contact lens.To prevent injury to the eyes or even contact lenses, fingernails should ideally be kept short or only moderately long.