Diagnostics | Hunchback

Diagnostics The hunchback is often recognized by the doctor as soon as he looks at the patient. To objectify the diagnosis, special x-rays of the spine are taken to determine the exact angle of curvature (Cobb angle). Computer tomography or magnetic resonance imaging are supplementary examinations, some of which can provide information about the cause. … Diagnostics | Hunchback

Hunchback training | Hunchback

Hunchback training A hunchback, which is not caused by certain underlying diseases such as Bekhterev’s disease or Scheuermann’s disease, but is caused by muscular imbalances, can be improved or even eliminated by specific muscle training. The so-called functional hunchback always develops when certain muscle groups (the chest muscles) have a higher resting tension than the … Hunchback training | Hunchback