Iced Tea

Products Iced tea is available in numerous varieties, including as a beverage, as instant granules, and as a concentrate in grocery stores. It can also be prepared by the consumer. Iced tea is also referred to as. The correct English term would actually be . Ingredients Iced tea is traditionally prepared with black tea, fresh … Iced Tea

Make your Own Iced Tea

Many of the ingredients of iced tea, such as preservatives and flavorings, are typical of soft drinks from the supermarket. This is because, along with sodas, fizzy drinks and sweetened juices, iced tea is also one of the so-called soft drinks. These are usually characterized by a high content of citric acid. Citric acid can … Make your Own Iced Tea

Black Tea

Products Black tea is available in grocery stores and specialty stores in bags or open. Different varieties, names and countries of origin exist (e.g. Darjeeling, Ceylon, Pekoe, Assam, English Breakfast Tea, Five o’Clock Tea, Afternoon Tea). Black tea is mainly drunk in the West, while green tea and the semi-fermented oolong tea are more popular … Black Tea