Rejection reaction

Introduction If our body’s own immune system recognizes foreign cells, it activates various mechanisms to protect against the mostly undesired invaders. Such a reaction is intentional if pathogens such as bacteria, viruses or fungi are involved. However, a rejection reaction is not desired in the case of organ transplantation. In the worst case, the foreign … Rejection reaction

Forecast | Rejection reaction

Forecast The prognosis after organ transplantation promises a higher life expectancy than if the original, more and more functionless organ is left in place. About 60% of heart transplant patients live with the donor organ for more than ten years. Lung transplant patients also benefit from a higher life expectancy of several years. They often … Forecast | Rejection reaction

Rejection after kidney transplantation | Rejection reaction

Rejection after kidney transplantation The acute rejection reaction after kidney transplantation is accompanied by typical symptoms that indicate a deterioration in kidney function and the activity of the body’s immune system. These include exhaustion, an increase in body temperature to over 37.5°C for several hours, loss of appetite, reduced urination and edema formation (water retention … Rejection after kidney transplantation | Rejection reaction

Rejection reaction after stem cell transplantation | Rejection reaction

Rejection reaction after stem cell transplantation The most common complications after stem cell transplantation include infections caused by the immunosuppressive drugs and so-called graft-versus-host disease, in which immune cells of the donor are directed against the cells of the recipient. There is an increased risk, especially in the first year, especially in the first six … Rejection reaction after stem cell transplantation | Rejection reaction

Eye ointment with cortisone

Which ones are there? There are various cortisone preparations that are used in ophthalmology in the form of eye ointments. They contain different active ingredients, each of which can be found in different commercial preparations. The active ingredient dexamethasone, for example, is contained in Jenapharm®. Prednisolone is the active substance contained in Ultracortenol®, for example. … Eye ointment with cortisone

Side effects | Eye ointment with cortisone

Side effects Possible side effects of eye ointments with cortisone can generally be allergic reactions such as skin and conjunctivitis. The eyeball may become prominent. Some people have reported stinging and burning or weeping blisters, especially if the eye ointment was used after cataract surgery. In addition, a poorer supply of the cornea and corneal … Side effects | Eye ointment with cortisone

Is the application possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding? | Eye ointment with cortisone

Is the application possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding? The use of eye ointments with cortisone is possible during pregnancy and lactation, but should be avoided if possible. Since the active substance may also possibly enter the body. Particularly in the case of long-term treatment, growth disorders and damage to the unborn child may occur. If … Is the application possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding? | Eye ointment with cortisone

Kaposi’s Sarcoma

Definition Kaposi’s sarcoma is a cancer that is characterized by the formation of vascular conglomerates in the skin. These become visible in the form of blue and reddish lumps or spots, which can be as large as the palm of your hand. The sarcoma is named after its first descriptor Moritz Kaposi, who classified it … Kaposi’s Sarcoma

Diagnosis | Kaposi’s Sarcoma

Diagnosis A biopsy, i.e. a tissue sample, is essential for the diagnosis of Kaposi’s sarcoma. This is evaluated histopathologically. In addition, as already described, there must be an immune deficiency. This is the case with AIDS. If HIV infection is confirmed and dark skin nodes also appear, the diagnosis of Kaposi’s sarcoma is obvious. If … Diagnosis | Kaposi’s Sarcoma