Diagnosis of sebaceous gland hyperplasia | Sebaceous gland hyperplasia

Diagnosis of sebaceous gland hyperplasia The diagnosis of sebaceous gland hyperplasia is made by the dermatologist. The first step is to inspect the skin. The physician looks closely at the changes in the skin. For a better diagnosis he can use a dermatoscope, which serves as a kind of magnifying glass to enlarge the skin … Diagnosis of sebaceous gland hyperplasia | Sebaceous gland hyperplasia

How can sebaceous gland hyperplasia be removed? | Sebaceous gland hyperplasia

How can sebaceous gland hyperplasia be removed? Hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands can be removed by a dermatologist. There are various options available. One possibility for the removal of sebaceous gland hyperplasia is the classical surgical therapy. The sebaceous gland hyperplasia is cut out and the edges of the skin are then sutured together. This … How can sebaceous gland hyperplasia be removed? | Sebaceous gland hyperplasia

Difference to basal cell carcinoma | Sebaceous gland hyperplasia

Difference to basal cell carcinoma Basal cell carcinoma is an important differential diagnosis to sebaceous gland hyperplasia. A basal cell carcinoma is a skin cancer that mainly affects older people and occurs after years of exposure to sunlight. Furthermore, genetic factors also play an important role in its development. Basal cell carcinoma can be very … Difference to basal cell carcinoma | Sebaceous gland hyperplasia

Immunosuppression: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Immunosuppression involves inhibiting or suppressing undesirable defense responses of the body’s immune system. This procedure is indicated primarily for patients with transplants and autoimmune diseases because the defense system of such patients might otherwise damage the body’s own tissues. Immunosuppression is associated with risks such as increased susceptibility to infection and side effects such as … Immunosuppression: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Active substance/effect of Adalimumab | Adalimumab

Active substance/effect of Adalimumab Adalimumab belongs to the so-called biologicals, a group of still relatively new drugs, which have a regulatory influence on our body’s immune system. Strictly speaking, Adalimumab belongs to the so-called tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors, which are generally used for chronic inflammatory, systemic – i.e. affecting the whole body – diseases where … Active substance/effect of Adalimumab | Adalimumab

These are the interactions of Adalimumab | Adalimumab

These are the interactions of Adalimumab Almost no interactions are known for adalimumab. Especially drugs like anticoagulants (e.g. Marcumar), which often lead to interactions, are well tolerated with Adalimumab. Some studies have shown that the combination of adalimumab with other biologicals or antirheumatic drugs can weaken the effect of adalimumab or can greatly increase the … These are the interactions of Adalimumab | Adalimumab


Introduction Adalimumab is a drug, which belongs to the class of biologicals and can be used especially for autoimmune diseases. In these diseases our natural defence system overreacts and attacks the body’s own cells. Thus, Adalimumab can help patients suffering from psoriasis, rheumatism or chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases. In the following you can learn more … Adalimumab