Total Prosthesis (Complete Denture)

A total prosthesis (complete denture) is a removable dental prosthesis for the restoration of one or both completely edentulous jaws. The following explanations can only be very general, as the development of total prosthetics has produced many different solutions. Indications (areas of application) All treatment concepts aim to provide the edentulous patient with esthetically pleasing … Total Prosthesis (Complete Denture)

All-ceramic Crowns

An all-ceramic crown is a full crown made of tooth-colored, ceramic material that completely encases the remaining tooth structure of the natural tooth crown so that the crown margin is level with or below the gum line. Over many decades, full-cast crowns or veneered ceramic crowns (metal frameworks veneered with ceramic materials) have been established … All-ceramic Crowns

Zirconia Dentures

Dental restorations made of zirconium oxide (synonym: zirconia, Zirconia, ZrO2) are ceramic workpieces with outstanding material properties in terms of their biocompatibility, stability and aesthetics. The range of applications of the material extends from conservative restorations (tooth-preserving restorations) through crowns and bridges to implant prosthetics. The advantages of zirconium oxide as a tooth replacement material … Zirconia Dentures

Nutritional Analysis

The nutritional analysis serves as a detailed analysis of the individual nutritional situation as well as nutritional counseling. This is based on the current knowledge of nutritional medicine – including nutritional plans for more than 300 of the most common diseases – based on the curriculum “Nutritional Medicine” of the German Medical Association (BÄK). The … Nutritional Analysis

Dental Checks for Dental Health and Aesthetics

To maintain dental and oral health, your dentist offers regular check-ups for preventive care. During routine examinations, for example, the teeth are checked for caries (tooth decay) and signs of wear, the periodontium (the tooth-supporting apparatus) and the oral mucous membranes for inflammation. In addition, regularly applied measures of individual prophylaxis such as professional tooth … Dental Checks for Dental Health and Aesthetics

Transversal Extension of the Upper Jaw

Transversal expansion of the upper jaw refers to all orthodontic treatment measures that promote the width growth of the upper jaw. Causative factors for a maxilla restrained in transversal development include quite a few, such as: Genetic causes Growth disorders Soothers Mouth breathing, habitual (habitual) Mouth breathing due to restricted nasal breathing. A too narrow … Transversal Extension of the Upper Jaw

Early Orthodontic Treatment

Early orthodontic treatment is when treatment measures need to be taken to prevent or eliminate habits that are harmful to the dentition (habits, orofacial dyskinesias) or for abnormalities of the teeth or jaws before the age of 9 years. Only rarely is it necessary to start treatment before the age of 4. Early treatment focuses … Early Orthodontic Treatment

Lingual Technology

The lingual technique is an orthodontic treatment method using fixed appliances composed of brackets and wire archwires. For aesthetic reasons, the brackets in the elaborate lingual technique are bonded to the inner surfaces of the teeth facing the tongue, while in the more common labial technique (brackets are bonded to the outer surface of the … Lingual Technology

Lip Band Removal (Frenectomy)

Lip and cheek bands sometimes radiate into the marginal gingiva (the gum line). Here, their strong traction forces damage the periodontium (the tooth-supporting apparatus) and prevent natural or orthodontic gap closure, so they should be removed by the surgical procedure of frenectomy. Lip and cheek bands – called frenula – are made of muscle and … Lip Band Removal (Frenectomy)

Multiband Apparatus

Multiband appliances belong to the group of fixed orthodontic appliances for the correction of malocclusions. Fixed therapy is usually preceded by treatment with removable appliances. Many orthodontic treatments are performed with fixed multiband appliances for a part of the therapy period. This affects a number of anomalies in tooth position, such as rotated positions, teeth … Multiband Apparatus