Sebaceous gland

Definition The sebaceous glands are glands that secrete a fatty secretion called sebum or tallow according to the holocrine mechanism. They belong to the skin appendages, i.e. they are closely connected to the skin, but function independently. Types of the sebaceous gland In humans, the sebaceous gland is found almost everywhere on the body in … Sebaceous gland

Sebaceous glands on the testicles | Sebaceous gland

Sebaceous glands on the testicles Sebaceous glands also appear on the scrotum and can be enlarged here, especially during puberty. Inflammations occur very rarely, however. Frequently sebaceous glands on the testicles are mistakenly confused with pimples or even warts. These are small bright spots, which are usually evenly distributed on the testicles.They are neither itchy … Sebaceous glands on the testicles | Sebaceous gland

Oily skin in men

Introduction Oily skin in men is most common from puberty and around the age of 25. This is not a disease in the classical sense, but either a symptom or a norm variant. Since this oily skin condition is nevertheless perceived as disturbing by some people, it may well be a burden. Causes of oily … Oily skin in men

Diagnosis | Oily skin in men

Diagnosis Oily skin is an eye diagnosis. Due to the typical appearance of the skin, the diagnosis can be made quickly by a dermatologist. Depending on the age of the affected person, further examinations may follow. In adolescents around puberty, oily skin often occurs in the context of acne. If this is severe, the dermatologist … Diagnosis | Oily skin in men

Prognosis | Oily skin in men

Prognosis Oily skin, which occurs during puberty, usually disappears by itself as soon as the hormone balance has regulated. The prognosis is therefore good. Since much can also be achieved by changing one’s lifestyle with a healthy diet, skin impurities can usually be well combated later in life. Prophylaxis Oily skin cannot always be avoided. … Prognosis | Oily skin in men

What is the best way to remove blackheads? | Blackheads – How to get rid of them!

What is the best way to remove blackheads? There are a variety of ways to best remove the annoying blackheads. However, the black spots should not simply be squeezed out with the fingers, as otherwise pathogens can easily penetrate the sebaceous gland and lead to infection. In the pharmacy and drugstore there are numerous products … What is the best way to remove blackheads? | Blackheads – How to get rid of them!

Blackheads in the “T-Zone | Blackheads – How to get rid of them!

Blackheads in the “T-Zone Blackheads are recognizable as small black or white spots that lie in the skin. Blackheads are harmless skin impurities that have no disease value per se and are rarely associated with other symptoms. In some cases the blackheads can become inflamed and purulent pimples or papules form. If the pustules are … Blackheads in the “T-Zone | Blackheads – How to get rid of them!

Pimples on the back of the man | Pimples on the back

Pimples on the back of the man Acne conglobata manifests itself particularly in men. This affects 80% of young people. One of the triggering factors is the genetics of 5-alpha-reductase, especially in males. This enzyme converts part of the testosterone to dehydrotestosterone. Testosterone is the main male hormone that can cause acne. If the 5-alpha-reductase … Pimples on the back of the man | Pimples on the back