Realization of a MRI ́s according to Sellink


Magnetic resonance imaging according to Sellink is a special magnetic resonance imaging of the small intestine. While the stomach and large intestine can be examined very well by means of endoscopy, the Sellink procedure offers a good opportunity to assess the small intestine. With this method, the mucous membrane of the small intestine can be checked for inflammation, tumors or chronic diseases such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

Preparations for the Sellink investigation

In order to ensure that the intestine can be easily visualized and the mucosa can be accurately assessed, the intestine is prepared for the examination. The patient should avoid fatty and fiber-rich food for about 2 days prior to the examination. This includes, for example: On the other hand, sufficient liquids in the form of tea, water and coffee can continue to be supplied without any problems.

One day before the examination, the intestine is completely cleaned and emptied by laxative measures. Depending on the hospital, different laxatives or drinks are administered, which should be drunk within a short time. Then they unfold their effect and free the bowel from stool residues.

On the day of the examination, the patient must be fasting so that the cleaned bowel can finally be examined in detail. These laxative measures can be very unpleasant for many patients and can also have an effect on the circulation due to the high loss of fluid. Therefore, an in-patient admission is offered one day before the examination in order to monitor and support the patient during the preparation.

  • Pulses
  • Wholemeal productsand
  • Dairy products.

Procedure of the examination

For the examination the patient is given a venous access. Comfortably positioned on a couch, the patient is then moved into the tube-like magnetic resonance tomograph and positioned so that the MRI images are produced exactly from the region to be examined. The MRI examination device makes very loud and various knocking noises.

In order to reduce the volume of these noises, the patient may be fitted with headphones, which can also be used to communicate with the responsible personnel. Via the venous access the patient is administered medication during the MRI sellink examination. On the one hand, the patient receives a drug called Buscopan® which temporarily reduces the intestinal motor activity.

This is intended to ensure that sharp images of the intestinal sections are produced, which subsequently allow for a very good evaluation. In addition, a contrast medium is introduced into the veins during this process, which after some time is also distributed in the intestinal mucosa. Contrast media offer the possibility to better distinguish changed tissue such as tumors from healthy tissue. In addition, structures such as vessels and tissue can be made more visible in the MRI sellink examination because the cells of different tissues absorb the contrast agent to different degrees. This method has several advantages.