Bethanechol: Effects, Uses & Risks

Malfunctions of the urinary bladder can lead to an excessive urge to urinate and to the dreaded incontinence. However, paralysis of the urinary function is also possible. The patient then feels no urge to urinate and no need to empty the bladder. Such problems can occur after surgery, but they can also be caused by … Bethanechol: Effects, Uses & Risks


Symptoms Anaphylaxis is a serious, life-threatening, and generalized hypersensitivity reaction. It usually occurs suddenly and affects various organs. It manifests itself in the following symptoms, among others: Respiratory symptoms: difficult breathing, bronchospasm, breathing sounds, coughing, undersupply of oxygen. Cardiovascular complaints: Low blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, shock, collapse, unconsciousness. Skin and mucous membranes: Swelling, … Anaphylaxis

Vertebral Body Fracture (Fracture of the Vertebral Body): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Vertebral fracture, also known as vertebral body fracture, involves damage to the part of the vertebra that is shaped like a plate. This part of the vertebra, which is located toward the inside of the body, can be injured due to disease or trauma, such as an accident. The vertebral body fracture is painful and, … Vertebral Body Fracture (Fracture of the Vertebral Body): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Forms of dementia

Dementia is a so-called dementia syndrome, i.e. an interplay of several, different, simultaneously occurring symptoms caused by a progressive loss of brain tissue (particularly affected is the cerebral cortex and the tissue immediately below the cortex). Thus, dementia can be considered a neurological disease pattern. The symptoms must persist for at least 6 months before … Forms of dementia

Diagnosis | Forms of dementia

Diagnosis In order to diagnose dementia, standardised test procedures are primarily considered the means of choice. Tests such as the Mini Mental State Test (MMST), the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test (MOCA Test) or the DemTec Test can be used to assess attention, memory performance, orientation as well as arithmetic, linguistic and constructive skills. The probability … Diagnosis | Forms of dementia


Symptoms Intertrigo (Latin for “rubbed sore”) is a common inflammatory skin condition that occurs on opposite skin surfaces in skin folds. It is initially manifested by a mild to severe redness that is approximately mirror image on both sides of the skin fold. It is often accompanied by itching, rash, burning sensation and pain. Papules … Intertrigo

The complete cauda syndrome | Kaudasyndrom – Do I have paraplegia?

The complete cauda syndrome One speaks of a complete cauda syndrome when the entire lower spinal cord is compressed in the area of the cauda equina and the spinal nerves show a complete loss of function. Thus, the complete cauda syndrome is classified as a so-called cross-sectional syndrome. Since all spinal nerves are compressed, the … The complete cauda syndrome | Kaudasyndrom – Do I have paraplegia?

Treatment of cauda syndrome | Kaudasyndrom – Do I have paraplegia?

Treatment of cauda syndrome The cauda syndrome is a neurosurgical emergency that must be immediately treated with surgical therapy. A conservative therapy should not be attempted if symptoms such as paralysis are present. The aim is to remove the compression of this section of the spinal cord as quickly as possible in order to prevent … Treatment of cauda syndrome | Kaudasyndrom – Do I have paraplegia?