Therapy on the device | Physiotherapy for a slipped disc

Therapy on the device For therapy, devices (e.g. leg press up to the Theraband) can also be used to train muscular deficits caused by the herniated disc, e.g. in the leg or arm muscles, or to strengthen the back/belly itself. The patient should always receive a precise instruction in the equipment, the execution and the … Therapy on the device | Physiotherapy for a slipped disc

Physiotherapy for a slipped disc

Synonyms Discus prolapse Protrusio NPP Disc prolapse Lumbar disc prolapse Intervertebral Disc Protrusion This page provides self-help assistance for patients with a lumbar disc herniation in the lumbar spine. An overview is given of what patients themselves can contribute to their improvement and long-term recurrence prophylaxis (prevention of recurrence of symptoms) in addition to medical … Physiotherapy for a slipped disc

Physiotherapy for a slipped disc | Physiotherapy for a slipped disc

Physiotherapy for a slipped disc If a patient comes to physiotherapy with the diagnosis of a slipped disc, the therapist will first make a new diagnosis to be able to respond to the individual situation of the patient. In an anamnesis we try to find out causes for the incorrect load, possible previous illnesses are … Physiotherapy for a slipped disc | Physiotherapy for a slipped disc

Exercises and techniques | Physiotherapy for a slipped disc

Exercises and techniques Together with the therapist, strategies are worked out how the patient can protect his back in everyday life (workplace design, back-friendly lifting…). The correct handling of the back is developed in the back school. Possibly this can also take place in group therapy. The mobility of the back should be restored in … Exercises and techniques | Physiotherapy for a slipped disc

Intervertebral disc protrusion of the lumbar spine

In order to understand what a disc protrusion of the lumbar spine (lumbar spine) is and why it causes which symptoms, one should briefly consider how the spine is structured. In our body, our spinal column forms the skeleton’s basic structure and consists of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine (lumbar spine). It also protects … Intervertebral disc protrusion of the lumbar spine

Symptoms of a disc protrusion of the lumbar spine | Intervertebral disc protrusion of the lumbar spine

Symptoms of a disc protrusion of the lumbar spine First of all, it must be said that there are a considerable number of cases that cause no or only very moderate symptoms. Here the extent of the protrusion is too small or a slow progression preceded to which the nerves involved could adapt. However, there … Symptoms of a disc protrusion of the lumbar spine | Intervertebral disc protrusion of the lumbar spine

Therapy | Intervertebral disc protrusion of the lumbar spine

Therapy The freedom from pain or pain relief is so important because then strengthening exercises and physiotherapy can be started. A strong back musculature in the lumbar spine and the correction of incorrect posture, e.g. in a so-called back school, are the keys to healing a disc protrusion of the lumbar spine. In addition, massages … Therapy | Intervertebral disc protrusion of the lumbar spine

Symptoms in the leg with a slipped disc

Introduction A slipped disc is a degenerative spinal disease. Each intervertebral disc consists of an outer fibrous ring and an inner gelatinous core. If the gelatinous core bulges outwards slowly or suddenly due to degenerative changes and breaks through the fibrous ring, this is called a herniated disc (prolapse). A herniated disc occurs by far … Symptoms in the leg with a slipped disc

Sensitivity loss of the dermatomes | Symptoms in the leg with a slipped disc

Sensitivity loss of the dermatomes A dermatome is a skin area sensitively innervated by a specific spinal nerve (spinal cord nerve), i.e. the skin sensation is taken over at this point by this specific spinal nerve. If the spinal fibres are compressed in a herniated disc, sensitive failures occur in the segments supplied by them. … Sensitivity loss of the dermatomes | Symptoms in the leg with a slipped disc

S1 syndrome | Symptoms in the leg with a slipped disc

S1 syndrome A root compression syndrome that irritates or damages the S1 nerve root is called S1 syndrome. A slipped disc at the level of the fifth lumbar vertebra and the first cruciate vertebra can damage both the nerve root L5 and the nerve root S1. Both or one of the two structures may be … S1 syndrome | Symptoms in the leg with a slipped disc

Slipped disc

Synonyms in a broader sense Intervertebral disc prolapse Nucleus pulposus prolapse (NPP) Discus prolapse Protrusio Sciatica Disc protrusion Intervertebral disc protrusion Lumbago Lumbargia / Lumbago Lumboischialgia Back Pain Intervertebral disc Prolapsed intervertebral disc Herniated disc Definition herniated disc A herniated disc is the sudden or slowly increasing displacement, or the emergence of tissue of the … Slipped disc