Abdominal pain

Synonyms in a broader sense Abdominal pain, abdominal cramps, stomach pain, stomach cramps English: stomachache Definition of abdominal pain Abdominal pain is a painful discomfort that either originates in the area of the abdomen and is perceived as such there or is caused elsewhere in the body and transmitted to the abdominal region. Since abdominal … Abdominal pain

Stomach ache after eating

General information If stomach pains occur after eating, this can have numerous causes. These range from relatively harmless food intolerances to congenital food intolerances and rare, malignant tumours. In order to find the right diagnosis, an exact anamnesis and many different diagnostic examination techniques are necessary. Causes The causes of abdominal pain after eating are … Stomach ache after eating

Abdominal pain after eating in children | Stomach ache after eating

Abdominal pain after eating in children If children or infants complain of stomach aches after eating, this can have various causes. First and foremost, food intolerance, especially lactose intolerance, must be considered in older children. This is an intolerance to milk sugar, which is caused by a lactase deficiency. This enzyme normally serves to split … Abdominal pain after eating in children | Stomach ache after eating

Pain in the upper abdomen after eating | Stomach ache after eating

Pain in the upper abdomen after eating Abdominal pain after eating, which is mainly restricted to the upper abdomen, can be caused by excessive filling of the stomach. In addition, abdominal pain after eating in the upper abdomen region can be a first indication of the presence of a so-called irritable stomach. In this case, … Pain in the upper abdomen after eating | Stomach ache after eating

Abdominal pain and flatulence after eating | Stomach ache after eating

Abdominal pain and flatulence after eating If abdominal pain regularly occurs after a meal in combination with flatulence or meteorism, it may be the so-called irritable bowel syndrome. The unspecific clinical picture usually has no organic cause. In most cases, other complaints can be identified in addition to those mentioned. Further symptoms of irritable bowel … Abdominal pain and flatulence after eating | Stomach ache after eating

Abdominal pain and nausea

Introduction Abdominal pain and nausea are often closely related, but can also occur as individual symptoms. Abdominal pain usually indicates a problem in the abdomen. This can range from a simple stomach upset in the sense of “eating something wrong”, through gastrointestinal infection and organ damage, to malignant tumours. Depending on the cause, the abdominal … Abdominal pain and nausea

Duration of abdominal pain with nausea | Abdominal pain and nausea

Duration of abdominal pain with nausea The duration of the symptoms depends on the underlying cause of the abdominal pain and nausea. In the case of food intolerance, for example, the pain lasts almost the whole day. Although they are only triggered by the intake of a certain food component such as histamine, wheat or … Duration of abdominal pain with nausea | Abdominal pain and nausea

Abdominal pain and nausea during bowel movement | Abdominal pain and nausea

Abdominal pain and nausea during bowel movement Abdominal pain during bowel movement is called defecation pain. In most cases, this pain is stabbing and burning and indicates increased intestinal activity. The causes for this are very different. As the mucous membrane of the anus is very sensitive, there is often severe pain when small damages … Abdominal pain and nausea during bowel movement | Abdominal pain and nausea