Flatulence in Pregnancy

Almost every pregnant woman is afflicted by flatulence. Of course, flatulence is unpleasant and annoying, but a classic phenomenon that occurs with pregnancy. However, there are tips and tricks to treat flatulence during pregnancy and, on the other hand, to prevent it from occurring in the first place (or only in a weak form). And those who have flatulence should not suppress it under any circumstances, because this promotes a painful bloated belly.

It hardly goes without: unpleasant winds during pregnancy.

Pregnant women can sometimes sing a song about it: Flatulence. The reasons are manifold. On the one hand, it is due to the hormone progesterone, on the other hand to the diet as well as the fact that the growing uterus and the unborn child are also involved. Those who believe that intestinal wind can occur only in the first weeks of pregnancy are mistaken. Most often, bloating is a continuing constant during pregnancy.


The hormone progesterone is responsible for intestinal wind. It causes smooth muscle to relax – thus also relaxing the muscular layer of the intestinal wall. The intestine becomes sluggish and subsequently works more slowly. Even though this gives the pregnant woman’s body more time to absorb the important nutrients from food, more air also accumulates in the intestine as a result. The excessive accumulation of gas (meteorism – better known as flatulence) causes flatulence. In the advanced stage, however, the child can also be responsible for the intestinal wind, if it lies on the intestine and subsequently hinders digestion. But of course there are other reasons and causes why flatulence occurs. A classic example is a change in diet. Many pregnant women make sure to consume mainly healthy foods. This includes fruits, vegetables and whole grain products. And any change in diet causes digestive problems at the beginning, because the intestines naturally have to get used to the new food first. Towards the end of pregnancy, the enlarged uterus can sometimes cause flatulence. The growing unborn child presses on the stomach and intestines, interferes with and hinders digestion and also causes flatulence. Sometimes, however, nervousness can also be a reason. Many women are afraid of childbirth or get into stressful situations again and again. It is known that anxiety and stress naturally affect the stomach and promote or aggravate digestive problems. Fast swallowing and hasty eating are also classic aspects that subsequently lead to digestive problems. This is because too much air is eaten along with a hasty food intake.

What helps against flatulence?

There are numerous tips and tricks on how to avoid bloating. The pregnant woman should eat regular meals, paying special attention here to eat slowly and chew well. Drink enough, exercise a lot and avoid stress – all those points can avoid flatulence or at least reduce the intensity of intestinal wind.

  • Home remedies for flatulence

If the pregnant woman already suffers from flatulence, a few home remedies will also help. Abdominal massages (clockwise), herbal teas of peppermint, anise or fennel, and warm baths or hot water bottles can relieve flatulence. Rest and relaxation are also important.

  • Digestive foods

Of course, it must be taken into account that there are many foods that promote flatulence and therefore should be eaten only in small portion sizes during pregnancy. Classic flatulent foods are legumes, onions, cabbage vegetables or even unripe fruit. Raisins, fresh bread, nuts, whole grains, yeast as well as numerous types of cheese also promote flatulence. Coffee, chocolate, ice-cold drinks or sweeteners like greasy food also cause intestinal wind and a bloated belly.

  • Digestive foods

On the other hand, those who eat a diet rich in fiber will avoid or control flatulence. Anise, caraway, fennel and peppermint provide an end cramping effect. Marjoram, ginger, turmeric as well as coriander also help to boost digestion and alleviate flatulence. Medications should be taken – due to pregnancy – only in consultation with the doctor.Since flatulence is usually harmless, it is possible in almost all cases to dispense with any medication altogether. Sometimes tips and tricks on the subject of nutrition are enough for flatulence to be alleviated or disappear completely.


If you want to avoid flatulence, you must pay attention to your diet. At the beginning, the pregnant woman should take time above all. Eat slowly, chew well and do not gorge. Those points can already work wonders. Those who eat hastily because they are in a hurry will swallow too much air and promote flatulence. Foods that promote flatulence should also be consumed only in small portion sizes (or not at all). These include cabbage, legumes, fatty and fried foods, or leeks such as baked goods prepared with white sugar. Carbonated drinks also promote intestinal wind. Alternatively, pregnant women should drink still mineral or tap water. And of course, exercise should not be missed. Those who exercise regularly will also get their flatulence under control or prevent it.

The air must go out!

Who has flatulence, should suppress this in no case. The gas mixture, consisting of hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and methane, must leave the body. If it does not escape, a painful bloated belly develops. If the pregnant woman knows that she is prone to flatulence, preventive care should be taken not to consume various foods.