Exercises 9

“Stretch Hamstring” Just lie on your back and put both legs down. Now lift one leg as far as it will go up to the ceiling and hold it up. You can hold the lifted leg with both hands. Pull the heel towards the ceiling and the tips of your toes towards your nose. Then … Exercises 9

Physiotherapy for knee arthrosis

Although knee arthrosis cannot be reversed by physiotherapy, the symptoms can be effectively combated depending on the severity of the condition. All exercises from physiotherapy should be painless and build up the muscles. Stabilization is important in the varied movements of everyday life and can be easily ensured by the trained musculature. With massage and … Physiotherapy for knee arthrosis

Muscle building training for the knee | Physiotherapy for knee TEP

Muscle building training for the knee After the use of a knee TEP, muscle building training is essential. In the ideal case, this is even started before the operation in order to prepare the knee optimally for rehabilitation and to positively influence the healing process. It is important that the muscle building takes place under … Muscle building training for the knee | Physiotherapy for knee TEP