Arthrography: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Arthrography is an invasive radiology imaging technique that images the soft tissue structures of joints by means of double contrast agent administration. The diagnostic and differential diagnostic method is therefore particularly relevant with regard to inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases. In the meantime, MRI and CT have largely replaced arthrography, but arthrography is still used … Arthrography: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Arthroplasty: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Arthroplasty is a surgical procedure performed on a joint. The surgical intervention is intended to restore joint function or ensure healthy joint function. What is arthroplasty? Arthroplasty is a surgical intervention on the joint. The surgical intervention is intended to restore joint function or ensure healthy joint function. A joint is a movable connection of … Arthroplasty: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Cachexia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cachexia is a pathological weight loss that can occur in the context of severe diseases. In addition to the body’s fat deposits, this phenomenon also affects the body fat in the organs. One possible treatment measure is artificial nutrition. What is cachexia? The term cachexia refers to weight loss with disease significance. In tumor diseases, … Cachexia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Arthritis diagnosis and treatment

Synonyms in a broader sense Arthritis Arthralgia Pain joint Joint inflammation (arthritis) is an inflammatory and usually painful disease of one or more joints, which can be acute or chronic and can have many different triggers. In principle, joint inflammation can be divided into two large groups: those caused by infections (with bacteria or fungi) … Arthritis diagnosis and treatment

Common Mahonia: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Common mahonia (Mahonia aquifolium) is a mildly poisonous plant in the barberry and sourthorn family (Berberidaceae). The genus name Mahonia is due to the American botanist and horticulturist Bernard MacMahon (1775 to 1816). Occurrence and cultivation of the common mahonia. The bright golden-yellow flowers grow arranged in dense panicles of five to eight centimeters, each … Common Mahonia: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Anakinra: Effects, Uses & Risks

Anakinra is a drug used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It effectively combats joint inflammation, and the patient’s quality of life increases significantly over a long-term period. What is anakinra? Anakinra is a drug used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Anakinra contains an antagonist for a specific receptor within a cell, which has … Anakinra: Effects, Uses & Risks