Pollakiuria: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Pollakiuria is often caused by an infection of the urinary tract or enlargement of the prostate gland in men, and can be very life limiting for those affected. Especially if night sleep is disturbed by the frequent urge to urinate, this can subsequently affect other organ systems and thus impair their function.

What is pollakiuria?

Pollakisuria is a disorder of bladder function characterized by frequent excretion of small amounts of urine. Generally, the total amount of urine excreted is not increased in this condition and is approximately 75% of the fluid ingested. Pollakiuria is therefore not a disease in its own right, but occurs as a symptom as a result of various diseases of the urinary tract. Pollakiuria often occurs together with nocturia, a symptom that refers to repeated urination during the night. In this case, the patient wakes up several times because of the need to urinate during the night and has to visit the toilet. The sleep-through disorder can lead to sleep deprivation and thus be a trigger for many other problems.


If pollakiuria is caused by an increased fluid intake, a polydipsia, and an accompanying increased urine production, a so-called polyuria, it must be clarified what causes the increased fluid intake. Reasons can be, for example, diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus, a disease in which the body lacks the hormone ADH produced in the hypothalamus. On the other hand, if the total amount of urine is normal, pollakiuria is often caused by an infection of the urinary tract. Inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) can be the cause, as can inflammation of the renal pelvis (pyelonephritis). Often, these infections are caused by bacteria from the anal region that enter the urinary tract. Because a woman’s urinary tract is shorter than a man’s, the female urinary tract is also far more likely to be affected by infections than the male. In men, pollakiuria is often caused by an enlargement of the prostate gland, which narrows the urinary bladder due to the enlarged mass and thus reduces its capacity, as well as leading to increased outflow resistance. Inflammation of the prostate can also lead to swelling of the prostate gland and thus to a more difficult urge to urinate. Pollakiuria is also common during pregnancy, as the growth of the uterus presses on the bladder. Furthermore, cancer of the prostate or bladder can also be the cause of pollakiuria. The possibility of a psycho-vegetative disorder, which can be stress-related, for example, should also not go unmentioned.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

In pollakiuria, there is a frequent urge to urinate. Urination also occurs in only small amounts. In addition, the condition is occasionally characterized by pain when urinating (alguria) or an urge to urinate at night (nocturia). A typical symptom is the quantity of urine: the urine stream is usually weakened or even dribbled, resulting in a higher frequency but small quantity of urine. In the meantime, urinary symptoms or delayed urination may occur. This often results in a persistent urge to urinate, which may be associated with cramp-like pain in the pubic region. Occasionally, affected persons notice that blood is mixed with the urine (hematuria). In some cases, disorders of the general condition also occur during pollakiuria. In addition to fever and fatigue, these include abdominal pain, pain in the flanks or bladder pain, which are similar to the symptoms of cystitis. The typical symptoms of pollakiuria can trigger other complaints. These include pain as well as burning of the urethra, disturbed night’s rest and non-restorative sleep, combined with daytime fatigue. De symptoms also affect the psyche and behavior of many sufferers. There is nervousness and the inability to leave the house, because a toilet must always be within reach.

Diagnosis and course

Schematic diagram showing the anatomy and structure of the urinary bladder. Click to enlarge. A thorough history of the patient is needed to clarify the causes of pollakiuria.All pre-existing conditions, as well as existing ones, must be considered in context in order to track down the cause of pollakiuria. Of particular interest is whether there is pain during urination, whether the urinary stream has lost intensity or whether there is blood in the urine. General symptoms, such as physical weakness, fever or fatigue, may indicate an infection of the urinary tract. After a thorough history is taken, a urine sample is usually requested and a blood count is obtained. Subsequently, an ultrasound examination of the bladder is often indicated. Furthermore, a cystoscopy may still be performed should the treating physician deem it necessary.


Pollakiuria is often only a symptom of an underlying condition and does not usually lead to a complication on its own. Complications in this context usually develop in the context of the corresponding underlying disease. Thus, pollakiuria may be an indicator of urinary tract infections. Furthermore, prostate or bladder cancer may also be behind it. In case of existing pollakiuria, a doctor should always be consulted in order to diagnose the possible underlying disease. Otherwise, there is a risk of worsening symptoms and the underlying disease. But even in the case of stress-induced pollakiuria, the stress often causes other health problems and further complications in parallel with the actual emptying disorder of the bladder. The frequent urge to urinate has a disturbing effect especially at night and there is a considerable impairment of the night’s rest. In the process, he suffers from sleep deprivation, which may in turn be the cause of various diseases. The frequent nocturnal urge to urinate also initially represents a considerable stress factor. If pollakiuria is also stress-related, it develops into a chronic condition as part of a vicious circle. The constant lack of sleep worsens physical and mental performance, as stress and lack of sleep always have a negative effect on general health. In addition to mental illness, organic damage then often sets in over the long term.

When should you go to the doctor?

Persistent urge to urinate, which occurs within a short time after a successful toilet, should be presented to a doctor. If there is a repeated need to urinate during night sleep, a doctor should be consulted. In case of sleep disturbances, an inner weakness, irritability, and disturbances of concentration and attention, a doctor is needed. An increased body temperature, inner restlessness and an increased need for fluids should be checked and clarified. Pain in the abdomen or during locomotion, fever as well as repeated fatigue are signs of a health disorder. A visit to the doctor is necessary as soon as the complaints persist unabated over several days and weeks or show an increasing tendency. If rest and recovery phases cannot be observed due to the urge to urinate, if a burning sensation is felt in the urethra, or if there are irregularities in coping with everyday life due to the complaints, the person affected needs help. Behavioral changes, psychological stress, daytime fatigue, and a decrease in well-being should be discussed with a physician. If leisure activities or occupational activities can no longer be performed as usual and in accordance with the requirements, a doctor should be consulted. Wetting or sudden nighttime awakenings trigger a stressful experience that can lead to serious complications. Therefore, the assistance of a physician should be sought in a timely manner.

Treatment and therapy

The treatment of pollakiuria should be considered in a differentiated manner and depends on the cause. If there is no diagnostic evidence of an organic cause, psychosomatic treatment is advised. Often, the patient is required to keep a diary of toilet visits. Under certain circumstances, bladder training can help the patient to get the pollakiuria under control. If it turns out that the pollakiuria is stress-related, learning simple relaxation techniques may also relieve the symptoms. If an infection of the urinary tract is the cause of pollakiuria, an antibiotic is usually administered. Above all, in this case, care must be taken to drink a sufficient amount until the symptoms improve again.A hot water bottle can also often be helpful and provide relief. In the case of cancer of the urinary bladder or prostate as the cause of pollakiuria, it depends on many factors whether the tumor should be surgically removed or whether chemotherapy alone is sufficient. Only the treating oncologist can make a final assessment of this. For benign prostate enlargements associated with hormonal changes, various drugs are available today to shrink the organ again, which subsequently leads to a decrease in symptoms.


To prevent pollakiuria, men over the age of 40 are advised to have regular prostate screening, as enlargement of the organ is the most common cause of pollakiuria in men. Women should make an appointment with their urologist or gynecologist at the slightest sign of inflammation of the urinary tract in order to stop the possible infection from spreading as soon as possible.


In most cases, affected individuals have only a few and also limited measures of aftercare available to them for pollakiuria. In this disease, first and foremost, a rapid diagnosis and subsequent treatment is very important to prevent further complications. The earlier the disease is detected, the better the further course of the disease usually is. Therefore, the patient should see a doctor at the first signs and symptoms of the disease. In the worst case, there is damage to the internal organs, which can lead to death. Sufferers of pollakiuria should consume a particularly large amount of fluids. In general, a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet and sports activities also has a positive effect on the further course of the disease. When taking medication, the correct dosage should always be observed, as well as taking the medication regularly. If antibiotics are taken, they should not be taken together with alcohol. In some cases, pollakiuria is treated with the help of chemotherapy. In this case, it is not uncommon for those affected to rely on the care and support of their own family, which can alleviate depression in particular.

What you can do yourself

Anyone who frequently excretes little urine should first see a doctor. Usually, the complaints are based on a mild bladder infection or another harmless cause, but there may also be a serious disease such as prostate cancer. If there is no organic cause, the bladder can be exercised through pelvic floor training. Those affected can try to consciously suppress the urge to urinate and thus get the bladder used to a larger filling volume. Drinking less is not recommended, because the body needs at least two to three liters of water per day to stay healthy. It makes more sense to keep the intimate area warm at all times. This can be achieved, for example, by not sitting on cold surfaces and wearing suitable underwear. In the case of chronic complaints, the measures should first be discussed with the urologist or gynecologist. If the frequent urge to urinate severely restricts the quality of life, pollakiuria should be treated with medication. Accompanying natural means offer themselves. Pumpkin seeds, for example, alleviate the symptoms in a targeted manner and thus improve well-being. If at the same time a healthy and active lifestyle is led, the complaints should quickly subside.