
Products In many countries, kava is currently only available in the form of highly diluted homeopathic medicines. For example, Similasan Kava-Kava tablets contain kava in the homeopathic potencies D12, D15 and D30. This remedy no longer contains kava. Mother tinctures and low potencies up to and including D6 may no longer be sold. Previously distributed … Kava


Products Sedatives are commercially available in the form of tablets, melting tablets, drops, as injectables and tinctures, among others. Structure and properties Sedatives do not have a uniform chemical structure. Effects The active ingredients have sedative properties. Some are additionally antianxiety, sleep-inducing, antipsychotic, antidepressant, and anticonvulsant. The effects are due to promotion of inhibitory mechanisms … Sedative


Products Anxiolytics are commercially available in the form of tablets, capsules, and injectable preparations, among others. Structure and properties Anxiolytics are a structurally heterogeneous group. However, the representatives can be divided into different classes. These include, for example, the benzodiazepines or the tricyclic antidepressants. Effects Anxiolytics have antianxiety (anxiolytic) properties. They usually have additional effects, … Anxiolytics

Fear of Injections

Symptoms Shortly after an injection, some patients may experience the following symptoms: Pallor Malaise Dry mouth Cold sweat Low blood pressure Drowsiness, dizziness, confusion Nausea Fainting, syncope (short-lasting circulatory collapse). Convulsions (seizures) ECG changes Falls, accidents These disorders occur, for example, shortly after a vaccination, after parenteral administration of drugs, during acupuncture or blood sampling. … Fear of Injections


Symptoms Acute stress manifests itself in the following physiological reactions of the organism, among others: Increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Increased blood flow and energy supply to skeletal muscles. Fast breathing Decreased activity of the intestine and urogenital tract. Reduced sex drive General activation, tension Pupil dilation Complications Unlike acute and positively experienced … Stress

Kava Kava: Root from the South Seas

Kava Kava is a plant extract from the South Seas. There also known as intoxicating pepper, Kava Kava (Kawa-Kawa) is a proven remedy of many indigenous people. The effect of Kava Kava is very similar to valerian: it has a calming effect and relieves anxiety. From 2002 to 2015, kava kava was mostly banned due … Kava Kava: Root from the South Seas