Stroke exercises

Stroke is one of the most common diseases in the field of internal medicine and neurology and is increasingly found in older patients. However, younger people such as children or adolescents can also suffer a stroke due to accidents or congenital blood disorders. Physiotherapy is used in the rehabilitation of stroke patients and rebuilds the … Stroke exercises

The Ear: What Our Hearing Can do

The philosopher Immanuel Kant is reputed to have said, “Not being able to see separates from things. Not being able to hear separates from man.” He valued hearing as a social sense, perhaps more important than sight. Our modern world is very much dominated by visual stimuli. Therefore, the importance of hearing and also the … The Ear: What Our Hearing Can do

Development of gross and fine motor skills | Early childhood development

Development of gross and fine motor skills The newborn can already turn its head. However, this movement happens rather uncontrolled. This uncontrolled head rotation gradually becomes a controlled head movement with the 3rd month of life. In an upright position, the baby can even hold the head for a short time by itself and lift … Development of gross and fine motor skills | Early childhood development

Early childhood development

Early childhood development includes the development of reflexes, speech, vision and hearing, as well as the socialization and motor skills of the baby. Among the important developmental steps in the first years of life, which are almost imperceptible to parents and babies, is the development of a defence against harmful influences such as pathogens. To … Early childhood development

Child development

Childhood development represents a decisive stage in the life of a human being. It begins with birth and continues until puberty. During this period, not only external but also internal characteristics change, including, among many other things, the increasing neurological development and interconnection of brain structures. Child development can be divided into motor, sensory, linguistic, … Child development

Prophylaxis of child development disorders | Child development

Prophylaxis of child development disorders Early childhood developmental disorders can be recognized and promoted in good time if parents, pediatricians and educators cooperate closely. In general, it is true that abilities are preferably developed under the presentation of certain stimuli and a healthy parent-child relationship. In certain time windows, children are particularly susceptible to learning … Prophylaxis of child development disorders | Child development